This is my favorite time of year: family, friends, and great food. And the opportunity to thank you all for shopping here and making it possible for me to have the absolute best job in DC. I really cannot thank you enough for all your support and all the fun we have had together this year as well as helping to donate over $7,000 to charities in the DC area and beyond. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
We are off to Chicago on Thursday to see my children and spend the holiday with them, but if anyone wants to come on Sunday since I will be closed Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, just email or call me and we can set up a time. I know a lot of you have out of town guests that you have wanted to bring over, so let’s do it! The men will probably be busy watching the Redskins lose again so what else do we have to do but shop? And drink champagne? I WILL be open EVERY SATURDAY in December through the 23rd 12-5.
I got to go see the renovation of Judith Weisman’s house over the weekend. She is a curator and interior designer and her art collection, well let me just say I get very green with jealousy every time I see it. It is really amazing. She re arranged the art in my house as well as other customers of mine so that it looks completely new and well, better. If anyone has a collection, no matter how small, or you just want to give your house an update by having things moved around to give it a fresh look, call her. It is so worth it.
Everyone keeps asking me about my skin so I have three words for you: Marilyn Berzin, MD. Google her and make an appointment. I am just saying.
December 1st is my holiday party and I already know that it is a very popular date around town. It starts at 5 so even if you have another event to go to, stop in for a glass of champagne and an opportunity to enter the free raffle for a great prize.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and I hope to see you soon.