It’s a BOY!

I have joined the ranks of obnoxious grandmothers and to make matters worse I have this email to do it with! So sorry to you all, but for those of you who have suffered through a few pregnancies with me, we have a darling little boy born on Friday night, very conveniently so that I did not have to miss work. He weighed 6 pounds, 13 ounces and was 20 inches long. His name is Harrison. In the picture below he looks like a little glow worm because he is wrapped in light as he was a little jaundiced. They no longer keep you under lights in the hospital. They bring you a light jacket and you wrap the baby in it. Oh, the medical advances. They also, for the “small price” of 2800 dollars, freeze the umbilical cord so that you save the child’s stem cells. Who wouldn’t do it? So little Harrison joins our beautiful Dylan and now my husband and I have one of each in two different cities!

That brings me to my schedule for Saturdays in June. I WILL BE OPEN on June 16th from 12-5 for those of you that want to shop on Saturday. I hope not being open last week was not too much of an inconvenience. I am more than happy to stay open past six. Last night I was here until well past 8 and I am more than happy to do that. Just email me in advance.

Thank you all for coming to the Annemieke show. She was her usual lovely self and her pieces are just the best. I bought lots of extras so if you missed the show, there are plenty of pieces left.

MANOUK also came in and there are some wonderful pieces, especially for summer. I have lots of necklaces in different shades of blue that I just love.

I got in from new vendor, IC, some great gauze white pants with white or black tops and they are quite inexpensive although they look very glamorous. There are also some wonderful scarves for summer that are very light weight but beautiful. Speaking of scarves, if you missed the front section of the Style section of the Post yesterday there was a great article on how freezing it is inside offices, restaurants, and the movies in the summer here. I sell more sweaters in July than I do in December. I am not kidding about that!

Lots to see and of course if you BEG me, I will show you more pictures of the grandchildren!
