Every year I scout the markets for great coats in an effort to find one that is similar to the coat I have literally worn out, did not cost a lot, and is no longer made. (I even sent the coat to the company that used to make it when it was recently sold to see if they would make them again. To no avail.) BUT I found the closest copy of it and the cost is $215 for the long coat, and $160 for the 7/8 jacket. They come in colors, they are warm yet lightweight, they are washable and they are made with recycled material. Everything the EPA could have hoped for unless you read the paper today and found out that their hard work to get the new guidelines for clean air got overturned in the DC Appeals Court. So Texas, you are going to just have to put up with all the bad air coming your way, just liked you wanted. But I digress. There are scarves and hats and pins to change the look of the coat or the hat and I bought lots of colors to contrast with the coats. Or just get a new hat or scarf for the five to ten black coats hanging in the closet. I know you have them!!

The rest of the SUN KIM will be here tomorrow. Some of the Niche has come in with the coats and jackets you all ordered about to be shipped. I promise to let you know when they arrive so do not worry. Their fabulous white shirt is here and it is really a beauty. Lots of new Lilith and Lunn have arrived as well as striped tees from Comfy and new jewelry from Jesse Walker for a new less expensive price. I received some new necklaces that were designed by Barbara de Jounge and made by her employee. Stop in to see them because a few of them I never had before and they are fabulous. If you loved Jianhui’s blue or black shiny jet beads, I got more of them if you missed out and there are also necklaces made of silk like his wood recycled beads in black, navy, burgundy and chocolate.
SALE: I have tons of jewelry and still some great pieces of summer clothes left and they are now all 50% off so if you need that one last piece for Labor Day weekend before you put all those white pants and shoes away, stop in!
Sadly, I am not going to see either of the grandchildren this weekend so if anyone wants to come in on Saturday, please email me or call and I will let you know when I will be here.
ALSO: please check the events page because all of the trunk shows are on the website. If you have a wedding or other special occasion coming up and you want a special dress in any of the 50 colors Ray Harris makes, please mark your calendars. He will be here on Sunday and Monday the 23rd and 24th of September and he literally can make you a custom dress. He does make pieces in other fabrics beside the crinkly so please come and see all of his incredible designs for spring. I did get a peek and they are just gorgeous. Do not miss it! Mimosas on Sunday for everyone!