Mrs. Cowan, my 9th grade social studies teacher taught me three things: the job of the Congress was to enact laws, keep the government open and functioning AND most importantly, that you cannot in 1964, wear knee length culottes to school or you WILL get sent home! Lesson learned.
The most distressing thing I have seen so far is that when several people on the street were asked if they support the Affordable Care Act, they said yes, but they said they would not support Obamacare. The fact that they do not know that they are the same thing makes me truly question the education system in this country which may be our biggest problem. All I can say is OY VEY and I hope the government gets back to work soon.
To that regard, if the government is not back to work by Friday, at 12:30 I am throwing a shutdown party. Come for lunch and champagne, because if nothing else, we can drink! You do not have to be a government worker, but you do have to feel bad for them. A few days of vacation is not a bad thing but no pay IS. Hopefully, they will get retroactive pay so they do not have to suffer a double whammy. PLEASE RSVP if you are coming by Thursday so I know how many people to get lunch for! We may as well have fun!
Thanks to everyone who came to our jewelry shows and Anarckh. They were so much fun and it was great to meet Jet for the first time. I bought lots of their work, so please, if you missed the show, you did not miss the pieces. I have lots!

So much has come in because September 30th is a ship deadline. The last of the Rundholz is here and there are some fab cotton dresses. I am wearing one of mine today in fact. I also got in a GORGEOUS suit from Elemente Clemente. Black with gray. Beautiful. And you can put the jacket and the skirt with other pieces so it will go far. Niche sent in some jackets and tunics in black and white sort of a raindrop fabric that can be dressy or not. A great scarf finishes the outfit off. There are lots and lots of fabulous coats from Rundholz, Planet, Niche, Annet Rostel, Matti Mamane, and Elemente Clemente. They are all different weights so you can have a fabulous coat for 50 degree weather and freezing cold weather. Which is as we know, 40 degrees. That usually shuts down the schools.
Next week, Friday, October 11th is the Kedem Sasson show and Andy is coming with Yoshi AND Karen Klein also so it will be a great show with lots to see. All three lines looked strong when I saw them a few weeks ago in New York, especially Karen Klein. And of course we love Kedem. I bought Yoshi for fall, it came in last week and it sold out in ONE DAY with the exception of one fabulous jacket so do not miss the spring line! Of course you can try on and order whatever you want. Andy will be here from 12-7 so definitely put this on your calendar if you have not already.
Have a fantastic week and don’t forget to RSVP to my shutdown party! Unless the government is open, then just work!