Fun Smithsonian fact: the Air and Space Museum and the Museum of Natural History that owns the Hope Diamond, are the most visited museums in the WORLD. Except now. More than the Louvre. Between 6 and 7 million people visit them every year, except when we shut down our government. Shameful and that is all I am going to say about it.

GRAVITY: loved it. Loved my guy George, loved the cinematography, was amazed at how fantastic Sandra Bullock looks, (she so works out) and even though it all seems a little improbable, it was a really good movie. I cried too!! Also, I loved that Ed Harris was the voice of mission control. I mean now he has to be in every space movie.
I have so much jewelry and so many scarves that I could open a whole store of it so if you need any jewels or any scarves, you should come in for the best selection I have ever had. Yes, I did overbuy. I couldn’t help it. Everything looked so great. I have lots of dressy jewelry too. And some beautiful evening bags which if anyone needs one, make wonderful milestone gifts.
If anyone is looking for a mother of the bride gown, come in because even though I do not sew I have measured six women for Ray Harris dresses and every one of them has come in perfectly. And beautiful. I think he is going to come here in February so if you do not need a dress until late March you can order with the man himself!
See you Friday! Champagne and great clothes!