Jane Mohr, designer and owner of DRESS TO KILL, who never ever makes appearances, has finally given in to all my begging and is COMING TO U7 TOO!! Mark your calendars for Saturday, June 13th and Monday June 15th! She will be here both days and she is bringing 150 pieces you can buy OR you can order a style in a fabric of your choosing. For those of you who love Dress to Kill this is your chance to see the whole line for fall and knowing Jane she will bring even more than the pieces I can fit into the store. The entire month of June U7 TOO will be DTK so you will have plenty of time to see everything. She has awesome pieces. And you will get to meet a really dynamic and very fun designer. She has never been to DC although she has been to Antarctica and Africa and almost every other place in the world so I am thrilled she is coming here!
ALSO, we got in a ZILLION dollars worth of Comfy, Sun Kim and Jason in wonderful styles. Let’s put it this way, I had to call Visa to tell them it was not a fraudulent charge, that is how much is here. We got LONG SLEEVE tees, and we also reordered the criss cross vest in black and the wire vest in black too. Someone wanted them so if you are reading this and remember, let me know and I will pull your size for you. If you wanted the criss cross vest we had last time in gray, we got it in black this time. New from Sun Kim is crunched camouflage and a new two pocket dress. We also got the bow dress in navy nylon from Sun Kim and the pocket pull dress in black from Jason because it looks great in black. The one I wear all the time. There are a lot of new styles here but here are some of them.

Hope you all had a great Mother’s Day. We went to see Woman in Gold which I was just told got bad or mixed reviews. I am shocked because I loved it. Helen Mirren, is well, Helen Mirren and I thought Ryan Reynolds was really good too. I went to see the paintings when they hung together at Ronald Lauder’s museum for the first time in 60 years and it was a sight to see! Simply gorgeous in person. I can see where Austria would think of this painting as their Mona Lisa except of course, it was not theirs.