We got the first 100 pieces of amazing Dress to Kill clothes today and they are all displayed and ready for you to take home in U7 TOO. Jane Mohr, the designer, is coming here on Saturday, June 13th from 12-5 and Monday June 15th from 11-4. She is bringing the fall line with her so those pieces can be ordered although I am pretty sure she will let you have it right away as she does every style in a zillion fabrics. If you want a certain style in a different fabric she will make it for you. This is probably the only time I will ever get her to come so if you love her clothes and want to meet her, this would be the one time. She is lots of fun so I know you will enjoy meeting her!
She sent a lot of the colorful summer pieces in orange, green, turquoise and white and of course the fantastic black and white fabrics with some gray thrown in. There are a few styles I have never seen before too. It really looks great and honestly I could buy every piece.

(See those orange, green and turquoise pieces back there)
We also got in the nylon overnight bags that are $125 in black, gray, purple and olive. They are fantastic bags for travel or to go to the gym if you do that sort of thing (not me) and they make a great gift.

In every collection we carry there are some outstanding pieces still here. If you have not had time or the inclination to shop for summer, this would be the time while I still have some stock left.
Leslie is coming in August to show us Planet for fall and I will let you know the exact date as soon as we figure that out.
We were in freezing cold 48 degree Chicago over the weekend for our grandson Harrison’s third birthday if you can believe that! Three already! Here is a picture of him tugging at that annoying chin strap and his little brother picking up the dots the kids were supposed to walk on at the little gym where the party was held!

Hope to see you soon!