Events, a wedding and new clothes

Thank you to everyone who came to the show last week and for that matter, all week.  We were so busy and as most of you who shop here know that means the nicest, most interesting and fun women were here. And speaking of fun, Carolyn Surtees, DAVID GREGORY’S MOTHER, visited us from California and she is a total riot!  No, she is not tall, and yes, she is HILARIOUS. Of course I am now nagging her to have David come to the store for a book signing for his new book so stay tuned.  I am working on it.
I also went to Carl Ray this weekend to have my makeup done.  He is the First Lady’s makeup artist and he is so nice and so talented.  I am trying to have him come here to teach us about highlighting.  He is really fun and has lots of stories to tell.  He has done makeup for just about every celeb that has come to DC in the last decade.  So stay tuned for these two events and also a book signing with Nora Pouillon of the famed Restaurant Nora.  I am trying to do all this before the holidays too!  These books would make great gifts and we would look better with a few tricks. Carl can make wrinkles disappear or close to it!
Speaking of this weekend and in the name of equal time for grandchildren, my beautiful step daughter got married.  Our Dylan was the flower girl and Austin was the youngest guest there.  I was friends with the bridal buyer when I was a buyer in Cleveland so I have seen my share of bridal gowns, but I have to say the dress Emily wore is seriously the most beautiful one I have ever seen.  And that includes Princess Kate’s (not that great) and even Amal’s, by Oscar de la Renta when she ran off and married the love of my life George Clooney.  Wait for it . . . . . . .
Isn’t that gorgeous?
The bride and her flower girl in chic navy
The youngest, but most handsome guest, Austin
It was a very fun wedding and a shout out to Robin Peltzman Kanter for doing a fantastic job!
On a more serious topic, let’s talk CUBA!  My parents used to vacation there and I have always wanted to visit.  Soon I think we will have normal relations with the country so that it is easier than going through Canada or somewhere.  I know many of you have been there so our event on Thursday, November 5th will be of interest to you and you can also add to the conversation.  One of my many wonderful customers is the Vice President of the Jewish Cuba Connection (JCC). JCC is an American non-profit that sponsors programs in Cuba that support and empower both the Cuban Jewish community and the general Cuban community through action and fellowship. JCC, whose approach has engendered strong community support, focuses on initiatives in Havana and in Cuba’s east coast. JCC also makes presentations in the U.S.
Of course they support the artists of Cuba and on Thursday, November 5thU7 will have the small works of two Cuban artists for sale for the benefit of the JCC.
Reinaldo Camejo de las Casas lives in Havana Cuba with his wife and two children.  He was born in1952 and has exhibited in solo and group shows in Havana.  His paintings are included in private collections in the United States, Mexico, Spain, Peru, Canada, Italy, Argentina, Chile, and France.

Cuban artist Alberto Borroto Infante makes these instruments from found objects.

Wait till you hear how you must use the internet there.  I would not be able to go there until they fix this process because I would go mad, but it is so interesting to hear about.  I think it will be a great evening of information, art and of course, champagne.  Dinner too.
Maybe we should talk about clothes and jewelry.  Why not?  We got in the beginning of holiday with Alquema’s new jackets that are only $225 and they are really beautiful.  They come in lots of colors.  I didn’t even buy black ones which I know you will all be proud of me for, but if you have to have it in black I can get it.
We got in new jewelry from Two a Canada as well.
Don’t forget we have lots of beautiful jackets, coats, hats and scarves in U7 and of course PLANET.
Hope to see you soon,