I just saw some of the pictures from Anarkh’s new collection for fall and these girls have outdone themselves. It is really really beautiful so I hope that you will all be able to come this Friday, February 12th from 11- 6 to see these really special pieces. Ana and Cee will be here so you can order with confidence as they can gear the pieces to your measurements. I KNOW it is really hard to think about fall when spring is around the corner. I feel your pain because in two weeks I am going to New York to buy all the fall clothes. And it is really hard getting in the mood for that when you just want spring and blossoms and warm weather and especially longer days. I know, I know, I sacrifice for you. Having said that, Anarkh has these basic pieces that are almost year round including a vest they call the Jack vest made of washable leather that they should call the “CRACK” vest because every time someone orders it they email me almost at once to find out when it will be here. For those of you who have it, you know who you are!

The more you wash the vest the better it looks

A few of the new fall pieces from Anarkh
Lots of new Ivan Grundahl has come in and new Matt and Nat handbags arrived today including two good crossbody styles perfect for traveling. Elemente Clemente has sent their great two pocket casual cotton pant and lots of spring scarves at only $50 have come in too.
All of Ray Harris’ spring order is in the store right now so if you are not able to come to his show on February 25th-27th and you need a special dress in any color, this is a good time to see the pieces because we have a good selection. If I have it in a sleeveless version you can order it with a sleeve. You can order any length you need and you can change the neckline. So it really becomes a custom dress. And they are really really special. You feel so wonderful in his clothes and the fact that they are not thousands of dollars makes them even better! We have some very fitted styles this time too.
Matt and Nat

Here is the Matt and Nat backpack in red and we have it in royal blue too.

Mark your calendars for City Dance’s Dreamscape on May 7th, a night
of dance not to be missed. It is really a sensational evening. I was thinking we could make this a girl’s night out but significant others would be most welcome, of course. Stay tuned for more info on this very worthy charitable night to help young girls realize their dreams.
MORE RUNDHOLZ is scheduled to come in, maybe even today so if you are as crazy about Rundholz as I am, call and I will let you know if it has arrived. We are almost out of the first shipment!
A customer wanted the Planet Horseshoe Cardy that is no longer in the line so they made some for me in black and white (an advantage to having a Planet store) so I have some if anyone wants one. I love this sweater. Here is a picture in case you don’t remember it.

We still have some wonderful items on sale so come in if you want a Niche heavy sweater coat or one of the Heydari jackets or if you want a Rundholz dress or a pair of their shoes or boots we have them. All at 60% off. AND there are some great pieces of jewelry that would make great gifts for your friend’s birthdays or even the holidays and that would make you feel very organized as an extra added bonus!
The clutch that you can have printed has come in. Being that this is DC and we are in a presidential year we had ours printed like this:
Did Lady GaGa rock the National Anthem at the Super Bowl or what? If you didn’t see it, go to Youtube and listen to it. It was on par with Whitney Houston’s rendition, that is how good it was.
Saving the best for last: did anyone see Donna Brazile on This Week with George Stephanopoulis last Sunday? Look what she was wearing:

Doesn’t she look beautiful?
I am waiting patiently for the new styles and colors to come from Annemieke but she promised they would be here this week. I cannot wait. We are getting new felt necklaces too.
Hope to see you at the Anarkh show on Friday and don’t forget we are open on Saturdays from 12-5.
Have a great week everyone and thanks for shopping at Upstairs on 7th!