Buckle up people, it is going to be a bumpy ride.
I don’t even know where to start because while some outlets (notice I am now comparing myself to the NYTimes and other media outlets) have given the 2016 Academy Award show raves, I literally fell asleep. That has never happened even when I was a little girl. I had to go online to see who won Best Supporting actress although in my defense it is usually first and I think it was about the fifth one given.
I thought Chris Rock was funny in the monologue and I loved how he dissed Jada Smith but three hours later he was still discussing the controversy and it felt like he was taking a hammer to my head. The ONLY funny bit in the whole show and the best moment was when Louis CK said the Oscar for Documentary Short was not going home in a limo or to a fancy mansion but leaving in a Honda Civic and going to a small apartment. I loved that. I loved that the winner of the Oscar for Best Costume was maybe wearing her pjs. THAT is a confident woman. I thought Lady Gaga should have won for best song and her performance was amazing. But she can do no wrong as far as I am concerned and I love her fiance but please don’t tell her. There is no reason to upset her. I am thrilled that Spotlight won as it was also my favorite movie this year. I try and see every film that wins if I have not seen it before but there was no way I was going to see The Revenant. Although I am so glad Leonardo Decaprio won. He deserved it for just about every movie he was in so I am glad he finally got one. Don’t you love that he takes his mother every year?
Now for the dresses and let’s start with the worst because those are the most fun and you might get bored with the best ones and not get to the awful ones. What can I say? (Keep in mind these were all taken off my television and so they are not great and there are a few I didn’t get so if you want to see these in all their glory, go online as they and many more are online everywhere.)
HEIDI, HEIDI, HEIDI. You are one of the world’s most beautiful woman: tall, thin and gorgeous. And yet you came to the Oscars in a bad 1980’s prom dress. One of our customers said she must have been doing a favor for a friend who must be a new designer. I hope that is the explanation because then you could say how nice she is because THAT was some HUGE favor. My totally least favorite of the night.

My next to last one is a lot of people’s favorite: Charlize Theron. I thought she looked emaciated and the whole back of the dress was bare. If the front was a little more covered I think it would have been so much better.

Kerry Washington is also in my did not like pile and I usually love what she wears. The leather top was ok, but the skirt made her look hippy and I am so over those high leg slits. We have Angelina Jolie to blame for them. She did that what, three years ago, and now all of Hollywood is doing leg slits.

This brings me to Cate Blanchett. Another controversial dress. Some people loved it and some people, as one of my hilarious customers said, thought she had gotten bird’s molting feathers all over her. I loved the color actually and the shape but those feathers, not so much. Maybe it is one of those dresses that looked better in person than on the screen. Since she was sitting in the front row I have to say that by the end of the night she did look like a bird roosting there. But that’s just me.

Now for my middle of the road ones. These are the dresses that I thought were good but not my top favorites. These honors go to Olivia Munn who I thought looked pretty but diamonds would have livened that dress up a little

and Jennifer Lawrence, wearing Dior.

In this category is Tina Fey, who had a pretty dress on but I think may be first or second in the fabulous necklace category.

And Brie Larson fits in the middle too. I liked it, didn’t love it. I loved the color, it might have been the belt.

Jennifer Garner looked very pretty but the dress made her look old and she is young so no, didn’t love. I hate to criticize her because I know she is going through a divorce so I would love to be a little nicer to her but honestly, not my favorite. Daisy Ridley also looked old and it was a little surprising because the dresses she wore for the various openings of Star Wars were really pretty. Maybe her stylist ran out of ideas.

Mara Rooney looked like a lace doll but I am not that into lace dolls. She is one serious person I must say. My last in the middle dress is Sophia Vergara’s just because it is the same thing she wears a lot. Pretty color, pretty dress but not the best of the night. On this one I might be a little jealous.

My absolute favorite was the yellow dress worn by Alicia Vikander. It was a beautiful color, it was young, and it looked great on her. And she won an Oscar and I like to go with the winners. Although not Donald Trump.

Right up there is the Chanel dress worn by Julianne Moore. I loved this dress. I wish I had a better picture but go online and see the back. Gorgeous. Also gorgeous was the diamond bracelet she was wearing. WOW. I hope her husband bought it for her because that was some great bracelet. Or better yet I hope she bought it for herself!
The blue sequin Armani Prive dress worn by Naomi Watts was one of my favorites too. She should have grabbed the fab sapphire and diamond necklace right off Tina Fey’s neck, but her diamond necklace was pretty special too.

I liked the green sequin dress worn by Brooklyn actress Saoirse Ronan. Her emerald green earrings were beautiful too. Ireland was very well represented.

One of my other favorite dresses was this green one below and I just found out that it is the daughter of the real Joy who is in the white dress. Online it is so much better and it was gorgeous in the front and the back. I would love to know who designed it.

This year I did miss George. Always the best accessory. However, this guy was a very nice stand in. Although I have no clue who he is. Some of you out there reading this, younger than me, will know. Very good stand in indeed!

And this adorable up and coming best accessory was awesome too.

I did miss Meryl. I mean come on: is it really an Academy Award show if she is not in the mix? No, the answer is no.
Well there you have it. Oscar’s 2016. As always I love getting your opinions so email me or stop in and let me know what you think.
See you at the movies,