I also think you should fight it as much as possible AND wear lipstick!
Many times I have mentioned that I go to dermatologist Dr. Marilyn Berzin every year or so to have her check out my face to keep it as wrinkle free as possible for as long as possible. (And give me cheek bones where there were none.) While I was there the other day there was a movie playing about their newest procedure which is a non invasive liposuction that takes 25 painless minutes with no down time and even better, no risk of death! The number one complaint I get from my customers, young and old, is that no matter what they do they cannot get rid of their stomachs. I hear this especially from my customers who work out consistently. (That of course leaves me out unless you count opening and closing the refrigerator as exercise.) I thought it would be good to have her come here and answer all of our questions especially after I saw the before and after results of one of her technicians. Dr. Berzin agreed and on Thursday, April 7th she will be here for a light supper and a seminar. She will be happy to answer any of your questions about any procedure and also give you a free consultation if you want to have one. Or, if you cannot make it, you can go to her office for one which is located on 19th and L NW. I have sent lots of people to her and they have all loved her. I think it will be so much fun. Please RSVP so I have enough food and champagne!
Anett Rostel’s beautiful clothes came in today. I bought mostly her sportswear as those pieces are really cool and really inexpensive but there are several wonderful dresses that will take you anywhere this summer.

We are having our first Ivan Grundahl Trunk Show on Monday, April 11th through Wednesday, April 13th. We will have the fall line in the store for you to see and order. Here is a picture of Grundahl’s new rose dress for spring.
Pretty right? Without the painted mask!
For all of you that are waiting for Moyuru it will be here this week. It was shipped from Florida today so stay tuned. It is fantastic and I cannot wait to get it into the store.
The tunic that you all loved in the solid colors is now available in two tone from Planet. It looks especially good in black and white.

We finally saw Room and it made me so nervous. SPOILER ALERT:Until that darling boy escaped I could barely watch it. Now I know why Brie Larson won the Academy Award. She was really really good. How adorable is Jacob Trembley? Was this based on the three women that were kidnapped and held in Cleveland?
I hope everyone has recovered from daylight savings time enough to stop by this week and see all the great clothing and jewelry we have!!