The blossoms are at full peak: it must be spring! They are really gorgeous. No matter how many times I see them they always look amazing. Not that I walked all the way down there this time but I saw them driving by. Isn’t that how you do it when you have lived here so long?
Could there be more people in town? The traffic is amazing even for us. Better to metro down here because you do not want to miss the Moyuru. We sold 15 pieces last week so don’t miss it!

There are some great dresses from Planet. Here are two of my favorites:

The parachute dress above comes in oat, black and white. The netting on the bottom looks great. Perfect for a summer dress to run around in or put over a bathing suit. Who are we kidding? Bathing suit? I just tell people I don’t go to a pool because I no longer sit in the sun. A half truth to be sure! Do you think eating peanut m and m’s today could ALSO be a reason?
Speaking of not sitting in the sun anymore: Dr. Berzin will be here on Thursday, April 7th. If you haven’t RSVP’d, please email me. We are going to have such a great evening. Dinner at 6 and then we will find out how to get non invasive liposuction and how we fix those pesky little lines on our faces. Some people have already gone to see her so I hope you will come and show off for us!
I keep forgetting to tell you that we have the dresses and little coat dresses from Alquema in the store. We have royal blue, green, orange, silver, black of course, and lots of stripes and polka dots!’
Perfect summer dresses!

We still have a few skif shrugs that will go over all these dresses so well.

AND lots of great backpacks!

The other thing I have forgotten to tell you is that there is a jewelry store Treasure Trove, one block from us that also sells foreign currency. I get my euros there when we travel to Europe. The bank told me about them. They also have jewelry repair on the premises so if you need a watch battery or your diamonds need tightening, they are the place to go. It’s right by Macy’s.
Hope to see you soon!! Enjoy the blossoms and the gorgeous weather!