You know how parents who have businesses sometimes want their children to go work for someone else for a few years before they come into the business? Well, it has been ten years since we opened Upstairs on 7th if you include our little store inside Zenith Gallery and it has been 21 years of experience for my daughter Katy at other big retail companies including L’Occitane, Vosges, and Flor where she held executive positions. I asked her to come to DC to work with me, teach me what she has learned and carry our store into the future. I could not be happier to announce that starting in May, Katy Klassman will be starting her tenure here.
We have so many things planned and as we finish up the details you will be the first to know. I can tell you that Katy did tons of research before we went to New York to buy new lines for fall and for those of you who want a slightly more fitted look, you will be so happy to see what she bought. Some of the lines coming here for fall are Suno, Creatures of Comfort, Rachel Comey, and these sweaters from New Form Perspective that I swear I could buy ten different styles. They are amazing and snap into different shapes. I LOVED them. We will have lots of new accessories from Epice, Antipast and lots more. So it is going to be really exciting and I might even get to take a day off!! Or go, and I hear people do this, on a VACATION!!!
Don’t worry, it won’t be all new. We will still have our Ray Harris, Rundholz and Kedem and all the lines you have come to know and love. Oh, we bought DIP from Rundholz too!
Don’t forget this Thursday, April 7th we are having dinner here at the store and then having Dr. Marilyn Berzin here for a talk on non invasive liposuction, how you can get cheekbones where there are none, and how to get rid of wrinkles without altering your face so much that your own family doesn’t recognize you. There is still time to sign up and come so email me and let me know by later today so I can order enough for dinner. We have lots of people coming and it is going to be so much fun.
Our Ivan Grundahl fall trunk show starts on April 11th and goes through April 13th. We will have all the styles and you are welcome to try them on and order your fall pieces. This is another line we love here.

On Friday, April 22nd we are having Miriam Heydari in the store so that you can see her amazing fall collection. And just added we are having Susan Sanders, a fabulous jeweler who has some amazing 3D print jewelry as well as other pieces I think you will love. So it is a day with our local designers that I am looking forward to sharing with you.

Isn’t this alphabet coat fabulous?

Susan with her colorful earrings and pins

I lOVE Susan’s pins. It is hard to find good ones so this is your chance to see some really interesting ones.
OTHER BIG NEWS: our Planet store has moved. It is now in the space we used to change every month. It seems that Nordstrom Rack wanted the space for their employee center. Since it is so cold at night here we had Planet send us in the new FOR FALL terrycloth skirts, pants and dresses. Sweats that are stylish! I will post some pictures as soon as I get them. Now we only have to walk between two spaces which I think will be easier. Our main store has so many fabulous pieces I am eager to have you all see them. There is Moyuru, Rundholz, Transparent, Ivan Grundahl, Ray Harris, Comfy, Jason, Dress to Kill, Sun Kim, Heydari, Anett Rostel sportswear and beautiful dresses, and lots of wonderful jewelry.

Anett Rostel dress
See our purses above? You can have them printed any way you want. One person had HAPPY on one side and WIFE on the other. A husband bought one that said I LOVE on one side, and his wife’s name on the other. So get creative!
For those of you who are waiting for the blue and gray necklaces from Annemieke they are on the way. Also, a word about the pieces. We have been carrying them for three years and if you bought them way back then you are going to see that they are starting to shrink and get sticky. It is the nature of the piece and you will have to replace them. But when you think of how many times you have worn them you shouldn’t feel too bad. Let’s do the math. Three years ago they were $115. But let’s take today’s price of $135. If you have had them for three years that means you paid $45 for each year. And then let’s say you wore them once a month, then that is $3.75 per time. But no one wore them just once a month so let’s say you wore them THREE times a month, then you paid 1.25 per time. And I could go on, but you get it. Throw it away when it gets bad and replace it. We will always have them because they are just too good.
Don’t forget Dreamscape is coming! Tickets are still for sale! We will have a fun evening and we will be doing a good deed too.

Last bit of big news: This Friday we are having a Happy Hour from 5-7 and everyone is invited. Just to welcome spring and hang out on your way home! Stop by. You just never know who you will run into here.
I TOLD you I had news for you. And believe me, there is MORE to come!!
Don’t forget we are open on Saturdays!! 12-5
Shout out to a great friend of Upstairs on 7th on her big birthday!
Roz Jonas: wife, mother, grandmother. Activist, board member, community DOER. But most of all, for so many of us, lucky to say, FRIEND!

Many more ROZ!!
Have a great and interesting week!