We could not be more excited to announce that we are moving to the Warner Building in the next few weeks. (Don’t worry, you will be the first to find out the exact date!)
We got a little tired of walking from store to store and we know you did too. Ok, maybe the fact that the new management would not give us a lease had a little something to do with it. As sad as we are to be leaving a home that has been so great to us, we are thrilled to have all of our clothing, accessories and jewelry in one beautiful space. We even have our own private bathroom! Our new location is literally across the street, located on 12th and E instead of 12th and F. Just walk in the door next to Au Bon Pain, and there we are in the gorgeous Warner Building lobby. You can even walk out the door of our new space as we have windows and doors on the E Street side! It will finally be very easy to find us. The formal address of the building is 1299 Pennsylvania Avenue but like the 555 building we are in, it is huge and so there are all kinds of corners that have entrances. The easiest entrance for you is at the corner of 12th and E. We are on the left side of the lobby.
Now that we have more room, we are getting in 17 new lines that we have never carried before and are not available anywhere else in DC. For those of you who like a more fitted look, this is your lucky day. Katy did an immense amount of research and found the most beautiful scarves, great jewelry, stationery/gifts and lines of designer sportswear that I think you are going to love love love. (Don’t be scared: we will still be carrying all the lines you have grown to expect)
The first delivery of one of our new lines came in last week! Ace & Jig, in their own words, is a “seasonless collection from one fabrication: their own yarn-dye, woven fabric”. The result is timeless garments, that are effortless and can be worn in many ways for many years. All of their garments are made in India by their own team of weavers, and though the colors and silhouettes shift from season to season based on their inspirations and muses, your unique collection of pieces will allow you, over time, to create your own woven story. We’ll have four deliveries this new fall season and all of the pieces mix and match with each other and look great with denim, too. We can’t wait for you to see this first small capsule and all that is to come!

We will have the faux leather leggings from Planet in this week so those of you who have requested them, I will let you know when they get here.

Here are two styles of faux leather jackets that we are getting this week from Planet too.

A few announcements:(as if telling you we were moving was not announcement enough) someone asked Annemieke to make her some earrings and we forgot to write down your name. If you remember as you are reading this, email us as they are here. If you have anything here on hold, please try and come in before we move as we are trying to get everything out the door that needs to get out. Someone asked us for a necklace with all the size tabs on it and again, we don’t know who, so let us know if you are reading this and it is yours. And come and get it!
The Planet trunk show is August 3rd and 4th so mark your calendars. We WILL be in the new store for this show so see the address information in the beginning of this email. The Ray Harris show is September 22nd through the 24th and I cannot wait to see his new clothes. Ray Harris for fall was shipped last week so stand by for more gorgeous Ray Harris styles. Again, let me reiterate that if you need a special dress for a wedding or a special occasion Ray is the designer for you. He can measure you so that you have a custom dress and they come in at least 40 colors. Also if you need any sleeves shortened, or dresses fixed, jackets shortened, bring them to the show and Ray will get them done for you as soon as possible.
We had some cabinets taken out today so we now look like a dollar store which actually is very fun. Come in for the bargains as we have lots of items that are just $15 and $20 as well as half price jewelry and accessories.

Everything on this table is 50% off!!

Everything on this table is 50% off TOO!

Everything on this table is only 15 or 20 dollars!
There are lots of clothes on sale still also!!
There are more surprises coming soon so stand by.
Ricki and Katy
PS: Before I send this out and before we start the next decade of Upstairs on 7th with Katy by my side, I just want to say to each and every one of you that has read these emails, shopped at our stores, attended our trunk shows, brought lunch over to keep me company, discussed politics, come to our theater parties and book signings, and helped to make these stores so successful, I cannot thank you enough. I value each and every one of you and while you have hopefully acquired lots of beautiful clothes and jewelry, it is your friendship and your support that has made work, not work. And for that I am so grateful.