The best part of Upstairs on 7th for me is the many accomplished women (and men) that frequent the store. I have always wanted to share that wealth with everyone, and our spacious new store at 12th & E Street NW gives us the opportunity.
We are very happy to announce our new series of conversations with leading figures in the arts, politics, and media. Capturing the dynamic spirit of our bold fashion identity, the series is designed to stimulate thought and illuminate the issues of our times. We are going to call these conversations Off the Rack at Upstairs on 7th.
Amy Henderson, Historian Emerita of the National Portrait Gallery, will be our interviewer for Off The Rack. She has written books and more than 100 articles about media and culture; her museum exhibitions include shows on Katharine Hepburn, musical theater, Elvis, Katharine Graham, and dance in America. She is a trustee of the George Washington University Museum/Textile Museum, and a member of the National Press Club.
Our very first conversation will be on Wednesday, the 14th of September and we are thrilled to announce that Anita Dunn will be our first guest!
Anita Dunn is a political strategist who served as the White House Communications Director for the Obama Administration and was one of four key advisors to the Obama campaign. She has also worked on behalf of the John Glenn, Bill Bradley, Evan Bayh and Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle’s campaigns. She is a contributor to NBC news, MSNBC, and CNBC. Additionally, Ms. Dunn is currently a senior partner at SKDKnickerbocker, a strategic communications firm in Washington.
We could not be happier to start this program, one we hope will grow and become a must evening for our customers. We will have a light dinner at 6 and start our program by 7. There will be some time to ask questions and since in politics six weeks is a lifetime, I cannot think of a better first guest.
You must RSVP as we will be renting chairs and serving dinner so we need to make sure there is room for everyone. I would say we can fit 50 people comfortably so please let us know if you want to attend and then mark your calendars for an event we know will be an interesting evening.

We have received so much merchandise it is definitely fall here. We should be getting our second shipment of Rundholz and Rachel Comey today. Rachel Comey is one of our new lines and it is really beautiful. In fact we would have to say that the quality of all of our new lines are exquisite. They are relatively small lines so they give that extra care to detail. Suno has arrived and it has gone out the door almost as fast as it came in. The pants are amazing in that they fit perfectly no matter the figure or size. If you need pants this would be the line to see. (Please don’t adjust your glasses, you really ARE seeing plaid in colors!)

This Suno top can work with the garnet skirt from Ray Harris and black pants and all the prints from Natalie Martin. The pants go with solid blk, navy, gold tops. This is one of the only outfits I remembered from fall buying. I loved it then and I love it now.
For all you Kedem Sasson lovers, your long nightmare of not being able to buy his clothes since last year is finally over. I love every piece of this line too! Here are a few of our favorites:

We got in a zillion tee shirts today in every color. There are different styles and fabrics but trust me there really are a zillion of them!

See, I told you there were lots of colors. And these are just a few that were getting unpacked at the moment.
We really have the best selection in right now than we have ever had ever. This is like a grown up store! For those of you who came to the original 200 square foot store when we were really up stairs on 7th Street, we have come a long long way, thanks to all of you. Be sure to come in soon to see the hopefully last incarnation.
Go to our event page on our website to see all the information for our fall trunk shows including New Form Perspective knits and Ray Harris. Two shows you do not want to miss.
Ok, I am done talking about clothes for now.
Haven’t the Olympics been great? I loved that kid Chad Clos who was taunting Michael Phelps before one of the races. He came in 4th and Phelps won. I mean really when are athletes going to figure out that taunting only makes their nemesis even more determined? All of our athletes have done an amazing job. Every single one.
If you are going on vacation have a fabulous time and if you are just coming back, stop in and see us. We have a LOT to show you!
Ricki and Katy