Actually in the fashion world it is really winter. July is fall. And January is spring. Got it? And I know this because we have hats, gloves, beautiful socks and down coats and vests galore. And by galore I mean we have a ZILLION of these things. In every style and color you can imagine. If ever there was a time to stock up on holiday gifts, now would be the time. Miss the rush. And get a great selection.

While I still might have your attention: we will be CLOSED on Monday, October 3rd for Rosh Hashanah. For those of you who celebrate may I wish you a happy and healthy New Year and may we all be inscribed in the book. We will be closed on Yom Kippur Wednesday, October 12th but I will remind you next week.
Before I forget Seth Meyers is coming to the Warner Theater in our building the week of October 10th and the show tapes at 5:15 so if anyone wants to go, google the Warner Theater and it will direct you to the free ticket site.
Thanks to everyone who came to the Ray Harris show. It was our most successful ever and he was so happy to see everyone. We had a “pin jacket” party for all of us that bought it at the last show. It was very fun to see everyone in it. We looked great I must say.

Next Thursday, October 6th is the ANARKH show and I hope you will all be able to come to see their new spring line of clothes and their fabulous new jewelry which we sold out for fall. This time they are making it in yellow and white and green but alas, no picture to show you. This is the metal one.

Let’s talk about sneakers. In New York that is the ONLY shoe people are wearing and I am not talking about 35 dollar Keds. I am talking about Chanel and every other line of expensive shoes. I mean people who normally wear Trippen and Cydwaq were all wearing sneakers on the street and at all the shows when we were at fashion week. This is the time I miss Bill Cunningham the most, surely he would have documented this and then we could all figure out which ones to go and buy! (These are just examples, we do NOT have these in the store.)

Spirithouse came in today and there is a great black pant and dress with a beautiful black and white tunic. And a fabulous gray vest. They are such beautiful clothes. They are so perfect for work too.

I ran into Iris Apfel at the Javits Center and she was being wheeled around. When she stopped to talk to me everyone started looking at us and I told her at 94 she is quite the celeb and she laughed and said she knew! She is a funny lady. I have to say she looked a lot older from the last time I saw her. Getting old is not for the weak, that is for sure.
And speaking of getting older I have two amazing customers that are both looking for jobs because of downsizing at their large consulting companies. One is a marketing/pr professional and one is a project manager, analyst and strategic planner. They both have over 25 years experience and they want to work another ten years so if any of you out there know of anything I have their resumes and I will be happy to send them along. We have to help each other people!!
We are here today and Saturday. Remember, closed Monday. Have a great weekend, a great holiday and we will see you soon!
Ricki and Katy