COMFY is here. And so is Sun Kim and Jason. You know how I always buy a lot of it? Well let me put it this way: we ran out of hangers there is so much. And I think the best pieces they have ever had are here. The zipper vest that everyone loves and the wire vest are among the pieces along with black, white, burgundy, and dark teal blue LONG SLEEVE crinkly tee shirts. Although you know I don’t buy khaki all that much because I cannot wear it anymore and I am selfish that way, I did buy a bunch of khaki for all you blond women out there so the wide leg ankle pant and vests are all in that color waiting for you. There are lots of dresses too, in fact there is a lot of EVERYTHING!
Here is an oldie but goodie that also comes in a gray print

We still have the Dress to Kill pieces through Thursday as we have to send them back so if you love her clothes, and we know you do, come see some great items.

We are almost out of room for the Off the Rack Conversation with Robin Givhan on Wednesday, November 16th starting at 6 for dinner. If you are planning to come please let me know as soon as possible. If you cannot attend but would like a copy of her fabulous book, the Battle of Versailles, let me know and I can have a copy signed for you. OR, if you want to pick up a copy before the event feel free to do so as they are in the store. We got a special discounted price so including tax the price of the book is 16 dollars and it is an excellent read. I loved it. Robin is not just going to talk about the book, she is also going to talk about fashion and fashion in DC plus some other topics Amy is researching at the moment.

The Ivan Grandahl spring trunk show will be on Wednesday, November 2nd and Thursday, November 3rd during regular business hours. It is the last line he did before he died. They have hired a new designer but it is just never the same, is it? Pictured below is my favorite dress this coming spring season.

Has anyone heard of Kaller Fine Arts before? Or is this just a great secret no one told me about? It is located in a private home and I went there the other night to see a show of Francie Hester’s new work. It was almost sold out by the time I got there it was so fabulous. They also have a lot of other pieces that were also quite tempting I must say. I was glad I don’t have much wall space because I loved so many pieces. It is by appointment all year long and if you are looking for Francie Hester’s work or some of their other artists I recommend it highly!

Aren’t these pieces by Francie Hester great although in person they are much more dimensional.
We have lots of beautiful fall sweaters in from all of our designers and now the weather is perfect for one!
See you soon and have a great week!
Don’t forget to RSVP to the Robin Givhan event!
Ricki and Katy