Tomorrow we elect a new President. A time to put our hard feelings aside and move on. I don’t know about you, but we could use a drink and some fun. And that is exactly what we are going to do tomorrowafter you vote, and Wednesday when we wake up to a new President. Your affiliation does not matter. What matters is that we get this bitter long battle behind us and move on with hope and optimism. Like we always do.
We hope you will stop in for a glass of celebratory champagne and a fun raffle where you could win some great prizes. Katy and I haven’t picked them all out yet so it will be a surprise but it will be fun and that is the point. We could all use a little levity at this point. We don’t know about you but we have been looking at Nate Silver’s site about every hour on the hour for the last two days.
Wednesday we will wake up with a new President. Come for a drink if you are beside yourself at the outcome or because you are thrilled. You won’t have to tell us how you feel. We will be able to tell! And we will have another raffle and some fun rewards for getting through the last year and a half! And plenty of drinks! Because we have earned it!! It will just be good to be with friends in either our joy or misery.
Regardless of your party, go vote if you haven’t already done so because even if you don’t want Hillary, as a woman, it is at the very least great to see a woman at the top of a major party. Last time I checked this has not happened in our lifetime or our mother’s or our grandmother’s. So it is indeed life changing. I wonder what young girl is out there thinking that she too could run. Because now there is reason to believe that girls could be President too. And that is always a good thing.
In honor of the election here are our mannequins. All dressed up to vote and honor America. No matter how bad this has been, it is still the greatest country in the world.

VOTE! And then come drink!!
Ricki and Katy