That was some week we just lived through. Brutal. Or not, depending on your point of view.
Now there is only one thing to do: start acting like the NRA. They only have 5 million members. But they are ACTIVE. There is not a day that goes by that they don’t call, write or text their representatives in DC about gun control, or as we think, the lack there of. When six year olds are gunned down and they STILL don’t change the laws, you know somebody is at work. And that somebody is actually FIVE MILLION somebodys actively lobbying their representatives in DC. Every single day. So ladies we need to get busy. We need to get equal pay for women. We need to get women in the boardrooms. We need to get the promotions women deserve. We need to elect more women to governorships and state legislatures and the Congress and Senate. We need to get a WOMAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE! No matter what party you belong to, these are matters we can all get our arms around. If not for ourselves then for our daughters and our granddaughters and our nieces and our sisters and every other woman who is behind us and deserves a hand up.
To that end we are actively supporting the Million Woman March that will take place Saturday, January 21, 2017, the day after the inauguration. Go to this link to read the latest information.
To do our part Upstairs on 7th is going to be ground zero for anyone who wants to meet their friends or family so they can walk together, a place where, if you get separated from each other, you can meet back at, and a place you can safely leave your handbags. We have our own bathroom now and we can use the microwave to heat up any hand or ear warmers you may bring with you. We will be serving snacks and hot chocolate throughout the day. As of right now it is supposed to start at 10 am so we will come in at 8 am and we will stay until 6 pmas it is supposed to end at 5 in front of the White House, a few short blocks away from us. This will give everyone a chance to get back to pick up their handbags and warm up.

As you know, Robin Givhan is coming to the store on Wednesday and for those of you who are attending please note that dinner is at 6 and the conversation is at 7. Robin will sign books before and after the conversation. If you cannot come and want a book let me know and I will have it signed for you to pick up at a later date. It is a really good book and I think you will love it. There is a reason Robin won the Pulitzer Prize. It would be a great gift for those of your friends and family that are interested in how fashion changed in the US on that day in 1973. Frank Van der Kemp will also be here with his beautiful wife Maria. It was Frank’s father’s idea to have the fashion show at Versailles and he knows all the back stories about that night.

We will be getting Angela Caputi jewelry in the store this week.

Our beautiful Linnea Lights candles we carry for the holidays will be here this week too. This year we have a smaller size as well as our regular 60 hour burning size. We have Christian Lacroix journals and playing cards starting at 12 dollars for holiday gift giving in the store already and Katy pre-wrapped them for you.

If you have not had a chance to see the Comfy, Jason, and Sun Kim stop in so that we don’t run out of your size. Those of you that love the wire collar vest we have it in black, khaki, and navy.

We have plenty of black dresses, pants, and tops in case you intend on wearing black everyday until the 2020 election.

On that note, remember we ARE all in this together. We need to give our new President our prayers because if we don’t we are no better than the men that said they were going to pray for President Obama to fail. And we are better than that.
Ricki and Katy