I will be here on Sunday from 12-4 so come down and hang out with me, help me with the Sunday NYTImes crossword, shop and better yet, have some mimosas with me! I mean if we have to get out of bed we may as well drink!
Hope you are all having a great holiday season. We have some great gifts still and some beautiful clothes for all your events.
With cold weather coming tomorrow I thought you would like to see some great sweaters we have.

We have this one in gray also.
If you need Secret Santa gifts you know we have them starting at $17 dollars for the small Christian Lacroix journals and lots of gifts in the 20-60 dollar range. 

Christian Lacroix playing cards for $45. Last box.
These cotton tops are very warm and perfect for wearing under a jumper or sweater for extra warmth. Lots of colors and only 60 dollars. The perfect piece for people allergic to wool and warmer than a regular tee shirt!

Don’t forget we sell gift certificates too in any denomination! Just give us a call and we will send it out!
A lot of people have asked about the Women’s March the day after the Inauguration. The latest update that I got from someone who would really know is that it IS taking place, they WILL get a permit and the organizers have had several meetings with the National Park Service. As they have said it is a process and it is being worked on. The route may not be the same but I will keep you posted. What I will not do is post this on our Upstairs on 7th Facebook page because we got some comments that were not so great and even some calls about our security that day. So please don’t post anything on our page. I will keep you updated as I hear about it. It is a mad mad world.
Come see us! Saturday we are here from 12-5 and don’t forget Sunday 12-4. I hate drinking alone!!
Ricki and Katy