I didn’t get to tell you all the fabulous things that have come in since last week so to catch you up here are some pictures and info!
My favorite dress from Rundholz:
We have it in this dark gray, khaki, and black of course!
We got lots of Annemieke necklaces in so those of you who were waiting they are here! Especially the red ones! Here are some new colors:
I love this multi colored lace one
Don’t forget the Ray Harris show is March 2nd, 3rd and 4th. Here is a picture of a coat and a vest in the new fall line he sent us last week:

We know that everyone has their non profits that they contribute to, volunteer for or champion. On Katy’s birthday we volunteered at DC Central Kitchen, the non profit that not only feeds 5,000 people and kids in DC everyday but also gives second chances to parolees from our jail system. It was so much fun and we started talking about how far school food has come since I was young. I remember it cost one dollar a day for lunch! We are getting together with volunteer and super awesome woman Barbara McConagha to host a fundraiser on Wednesday, March 22nd. We hope you will all come for what we know will be a very fun and meaningful event!
There are still some beautiful things on sale and new spring clothes coming in daily!
WE ARE OPEN ON MONDAY, President’s Day. Don’t forget that on Saturdayand all holidays including this Monday you can enter through Au Bon Pain or come to the door on E Street NW between 12th and 13th Streets NW.
See you soon!