This Saturday, April 8th, we will have the entire spring collection of New Form Perspective in the store with their very fun rep Daniela. She is a fabulous stylist so you will love meeting her, or for those of you who came to the show last time, to see her again. If you have a dress or a pant you want a sweater for bring them with you as Daniela can put something together for you. The light weight of these sweaters is perfect for spring and summer weather and good for our freezing cold restaurants and movie theaters. And don’t get me started on how you have to wear a down coat on Amtrak all year round. Freezing in there! We have our stock in the store right now so you don’t have to wait another minute to own one. Also, these sweaters are a certain length so if you have a dress you want to look a little more fitted, putting a sweater on helps make it so. Of course since I have not stopped eating since the election, I cannot do that! I need the bigger the better!

Some of the pieces come in this gorgeous green that I love that will take you into the fall when it is still hot. Some have self belts and separate collars. Lots of interesting shapes too. Don’t miss it! We are opening at TEN on Saturday! And please come to the E Street NW entrance or go through Au Bon Pain to get into the store.
Creatures of Comfort sent the cutest summer dress and top today! I love the color. And the dots. You can wear them together or separately. They are even better in person.

Every once in a while you need some color!
Speaking of color I am expecting the Ray Harris collar scarves in and I cannot wait! They are amazing. You will recognize me because I will be wearing one everyday.

We are getting in 11 different colors and for those of you who want to get a different look for an older dress, this would be the way to do it!! We are also getting Ray’s triple color scarves. Probably toward the end of the week.

If you live out of town you know you can always FaceTime or Skype with us and we are happy to send out a shopping box for you.
We have a few more of this fabulous Planet sweater. Get it while they are still making it!

I have one in black with white, one in white with black and one khaki with white left. For those of you who have the stripe dress, it looks great over it.

If anyone wants this dress we have a few more and I also can send you the shoe link if you want a pair.
Since the election I have been tutoring through DC Readers at Seaton Elementary School every Wednesday morning. (It is very hard to teach someone to read by the way) They are having a campaign to bring DC Readers more awareness. Visit to learn more about it. With so many programs losing their funding it is up to us to help as much as we can. Especially when it comes to kids!

Don’t forget to RSVP: Julia Whiston, the Executive Director of the White House Correspondent’s Association, will be our guest for Off the Rack: Conversations at Upstairs on 7th May 10th from 6-8. We are almost full and you know at the end it is standing room only. It is going to be a great evening!
See you on Saturday if not before for the New Form Perspective Trunk Show!
Ricki and Katy