When the mail man showed up with the Ray Harris scarves on Saturday you would have thought we won the lottery we were so excited. Ok, maybe not QUITE as excited as we would be if we won the lottery, but close. (Actually we DID win the lottery when we met Ray because there is no one on earth nicer or more generous!) I am going to wear mine everyday this week. I am not kidding. I LOVE IT!! Here are the colors we have left in the collar scarves. They cost $290.
They don’t have sleeves and they are slightly asymmetric. They look like the picture below.
And here are the scarves we have in the tri colors.
There is also a white with pale gray/blue and ecru but the light is bad in here for photos so it doesn’t show up. It is very subtle. And just plain beautiful. A good way to make black or white look colorful.
Thanks to so many of you that came to our New Form Perspective trunk show. These lightweight sweaters are just beautiful and so clever.
Here is an idea I had. Restaurant Nora is closing the last day of June. I was thinking that we could have a last dinner there in the private dining room in May or June. It holds up to 50 people and we could have them make us a special menu that you would know beforehand. We could send it out for everyone to see and then you could make suggestions as to whether you like it or not and we could change it until we get what everyone wants. It would have choices too. Since they couldn’t possibly run 50 different charge cards, we would bring a check or cash because you would already know what the price would be. Nora will stop in so if you have never met her you will get to that night. I feel very fortunate to call her a friend and I am going to really miss her restaurant. Let me know if you think this is a good idea. I love hanging out with all of you and it would be fun to do it with really good food. It was the first restaurant in the country to be designated as organic and Nora is receiving the James Beard Award for Lifetime Achievement in May. One last hurrah for an iconic neighborhood restaurant.
I am posting this picture again because in about two weeks I am getting three more black with white squares sweaters in from Planet as well as two more in white with black squares but then I probably won’t be able to get it, so if you want one, especially if you have the dress that looks so good with it, let me know! Or perfect over black or white pants. Throw on an Annemieke necklace and you are good to go.

We have ten seats left for guest Julia Whiston’s Off the Rack: Conversations at Upstairs on 7th on May 10th from 6-8. Julia has been the Executive Director of the White House Correspondents’ Association for 23 years and she has some awesome stories to tell including what happened at the 2011 dinner, the night before President Obama killed Osama Ben Laden. I can’t wait for you to hear about it. Also, if you want to spend a really hilarious ten minutes at our new President’s expense go to Seth Myers at the WH Correspondents’ dinner on Youtube and just watch the President’s face when Seth talks about Osama Bin Laden. Seriously don’t play poker with President Obama. His face gives away nothing. Or, if you want to tell someone a secret, tell him. It will be safe.
Enjoy this absolutely beautiful day.
Ricki and Katy