Dip, Ace and Jig, and other world news

There are pretty much no words to describe what has been going on in the country the last few weeks with the hurricanes and now this shooting in Las Vegas.  It just reminds me every day to be grateful and makes me look forward to seeing all of you as you come in to talk, shop and hang out with us. You are the light of this place whether you know it or not!  So thanks!

The last bit of Rundholz has come in and there is an amazing jumper that is really a special piece.  There is also the last Dip sweater and a corduroy pant, jacket and coat that is fab.

We also got in Ace and Jig and it is so great for just work or everyday life almost all year round.  The tops look so great with black pants or jeans too. The piece in the middle opens so there is a Ray Harris dress underneath making it a very versatile item.

We had such a great turn out for Jane Campbell’s conversation and I hope everyone had a great time.  If anyone wants to order the coconut bars or Stadium Mustard just google Davis Bakery in Cleveland.  They are the only bakery that makes those delicious little cakes.

This is the all time best mustard ever, really.  It used to be available only at Cleveland Stadium but now you can get it online.  You won’t be sorry.

We got in the Ex sweater from Planet for the last time this fall.  It is really a good one.  We have it in grape with black, java brown with black and black with white.

If you have a chance to see the WeiWei exhibit Trace at the Hirshhorn I think you will enjoy it.  It is portraits of dissidents from around the world in legos. Very interesting.  You can touch the screens and read all about these people that have critized their governments and landed in jail for many years including Al Weiwei himself.  If nothing else you will be glad you live in the US.

Hope you are having a great week.  We have lots of fabulous jewelry, a little bit still left on sale, great coats and dresses and sportswear for fall and some new velvet from Amanda Bond just came in as we speak.  Stop by and see us soon!

Ricki and Katy