We also got this colorful Rundholz coat with a hood
You know the oversize dresses that Rundholz does? This season he did them in light weight sweaters so we got those in as well as some tees that come in bright orange and bright green for all of you fans of color. Of course we have black too. We got one of his famous cotton bubble skirts in black to wear with the tees and sweaters.
Here are a few fabulous pieces from Jianhui. We got so many styles because going to his booth at the NY shows is like going to an amazing candy store and we just cannot help ourselves!
Our entire order of Ray Harris is in the store so you can try on some of his dresses and order them in any color you want plus we have his denim jackets in both short and long and his new polished crush pieces in skirts, jackets and dresses and they are really gorgeous. You can combine a reversible jacket with a skirt in the same crushed fabric and it becomes a dressy evening suit that would take you anywhere. Or wear a new Skif sweater over the skirt and use the jacket with jeans. Take our word for it, it is gorgeous. No picture would do them justice really. So come to see all of his beautiful clothes in person. (No need to tell me this picture is from last week. I know, but I am so busy I have been trying to get this out since 10 this morning. And you know I am not a good photographer!)
Don’t forget that Ray will be here March 1st, 2nd, and 3rd and he is not to be missed! We are dying to see what he is bringing for next fall!
We got our new spring order of Annemieke necklaces so we have lots of colors and styles
We received lots of RSVP’s for Peter Hart’s appearance for Off the Rack: Conversations at Upstairs on 7th so don’t forget to RSVP as soon as you can. You will just love him as he is so funny and informative. He has worked extensively for other countries in Europe, Africa, and Asia as well as for clients like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Coca-Cola and AT and T. He is one of the most engaging people you will ever meet and we will find out how he and all the other pollsters felt on election night last year. Surprised probably doesn’t cover it! Mark your calendars and RSVP! Tuesday, March 13th.