If you have not been here in the last week then you have not seen all the fantastic spring clothes and accessories that have come in.
We have Moyuru, Comfy, Sun Kim, gorgeous Giada Forte, the very wearable not black Samuji, Kedem Sasson and his new line for a smaller customer Amma, Anarkh, Spirithouse, and gorgeous jewelry from Monies, Jianhui, and Maria Calderara. We have reordered Planet sweaters and tees and just as soon as they come in they go back out again. New scarves from Ray Harris, Epice and Antipast are here and we can’t wait for you to see it all. Additionally, Rundholz collection is due in this week. Always one of our favorite lines to get!
This dress from Moyuru is the perfect summer dress. Put on a shoe and go. Moyuru has a lot of gauze pieces that are also great for our hot summers.

Giada Forte is for the person that wants something really special. This coat with leopard print border is really gorgoeus. And the leaf dress below looks amazing with it. We also have the leopard print skirt that has a touch of pink. Very sophisticated.

We only have one more piece of this Samuji dress because it is gorgeous on.

The Samuji dress in light weight fabric is perfect for our hot summers.

We have had to re order this Planet sweater FOUR times. Right now we have it back in the store in black and oat. It is a really great sweater as everyone who has it can vouch for. It looks good on everyone!
Thanks to everyone who came to see Pollster Peter Hart the other night. Katy asked him such great questions and he was so informative as well as interesting and completely entertaining. So fascinating to hear what goes into polling and what the polls were saying a week before the 2016 election. We cannot thank him enough for taking the time to talk to us. I know everyone had the best time and I hope you will all be able to come to the next Off the Rack: Conversations at Upstairs on 7th. These evenings are just the best. So appreciative for all your support. We will be making our announcement as to our next two interviewees next week so stay tuned. Both of our guests have given TED talks so you know they are going to be sensational!
March 24th is the March for Our Lives and once again Upstairs on 7th will open early at 11:00, one hour before the start so that if you want to meet your friends and family, have some snacks before you go, get warm, use our nice clean bathroom or meet up with people at the end, we will be there to help make the march a little easier. Enter on 12th and E Street NW.
Let me tell you about the Trippen store in New York. It is right in the middle of Soho so pretty easy to get to BUT they only have one pair in each size of each style. When we carried shoes that is what we did because we don’t have space and also we are not a shoe store. So I was really amazed that there was not a single size 39 in any of the styles I wanted. My point is that before you go there just know that if you wear a 37, 38, 39, or 40, the most popular sizes, they probably won’t have them. Seriously I was a little shocked!
One note about shipping to you: we use UPS and lately they have been saying that packages have been delivered when they have not been, and then they come the next day. Also, when you have a change of address it may not be in our UPS system so you need to make sure we have the correct address so that we don’t send it to your former home. Please make sure we change it if you have moved.
Also, I am not over that the Secretary of State of the United States of America was fired by a tweet. I mean, seriously?
The Au Bon Pain next to us has closed so if you are coming on Saturdaycome in on the E Street Side, or just call us and we will come and open the door on the 12th Street side.
Thanks to everyone who brought in prom dresses for Once Upon a Prom. The dresses are going to be given this Saturday and Alesha Wilson, the angel behind this project, has 178 young girls coming to the event. Thank you all so much for your participation.
If anyone has business news that they want us to send out let us know as we are always happy to support your endeavors. Women need to help other women!
Marie Johns, one of our amazing customers, is running for Democratic National Committeewoman. She needs her petitions signed and we have them. If you live in the district and are registered to vote, please sign it when you come in. She will do a fantastic job.
We are here so we hope to see you soon for all our gorgeous spring clothes and accessories.
Ricki and Katy