Pink is everywhere today. At the Mall with our cherry blossoms and right here at Upstairs on 7th! We have pink tees from Comfy, the boatneck rib sweater from Planet, and the little seed stitch sweater in pink from Planet as well. My favorite style with pink is the leopard skin skirt with pink in it from Giada Forte. Because it is see through it comes with a slip that buttons into it just in case you want to wear the skirt under something else that would make the skirt the slip if you understand what I am saying. It is so sophisticated and subtle.

This little pink sweater is shown with the Giada Forte pink leopard skin skirt.

We also have the Planet boatneck ribbed sweater in black, navy and dark gray. Still a great sweater after all these seasons.
Giada Forte also has the most stunning leopard print dress with a little bit of green in it that just came in the door. Stop rolling your eyes out there about leopard skin print because it is EVERYWHERE and even more everywhere for fall. So get out that sweater that is ten years old because here we go again with this trend. And for those of you who gave yours away, come in and reload and this time save them. You have been warned!
Did you ever wonder how you become a lobbyist? Did you ever think about how you would get your issue in front of the right people in DC? Pat Furlong will be here on April 17th to tell us how you take an idea and become the best and biggest lobbyist in the world. Although most of our Presidents say they don’t like them, there are many lobbyists helping on healthcare, gun control and lots of other important issues. If you have ever thought about doing it, don’t miss Pat because no one has done it better from getting Congress to give NIH millions of dollars to establishing a large contingent of people working on behalf of health care and Duchenne in particular. Join us for dinner at six and the conversation at 7. Feel free to bring your friends as this is going to be one spectacular Off the Rack Conversation at Upstairs on 7th. Don’t forget to RSVP.

I just proofed what I just wrote and it occurred to me that the NRA has done a pretty good job of lobbying too. But I didn’t see millions of people marching for MORE guns. What I did see was millions of amazing kids, parents, and grandparents marching around the world AGAINST guns on Saturday. It was bigger here in DC than the Women’s March so when Fox News says most people don’t want gun control, well that is just not true!
Here are some great signs from Saturday’s meet up at Upstairs on 7th.

And my favorite: these amazing kids with Katy watching the live stream of the March.

We loved having everyone in on Saturday and while we love all the company, it would be great to not have to have these March parties because that would mean we would have women’s rights and gun control as part of our lives. Let’s face it, we need these kids! They will be the generation that fixes guns, healthcare, LBGT rights and poverty. Maybe we can take credit for teaching our children and grandchildren that their voices count even when we couldn’t make ours heard. VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!
Don’t forget we have lots of gifts as part of our year round stock as it was such a good idea for the holidays. We have a few gifts that men would like too.

Two new colors are available in styles from Annemieke for spring and they are very beautiful.

Moyuru has a fabulous dress this season. It is so pretty on and if you have a shrug in black from Rundholz it will look fantastic with this dress. Also, the last shipments of Rundholz will be here this week and there are some beautiful sweaters coming.

I was going to post a few Rundholz pictures but they are so forlorn looking that I would scare you and the pieces themselves are beautiful so come in and see them for yourself! They look like woebegone homeless people in zillion dollar outfits!
If you are celebrating Passover or Easter this week, a very happy holiday to you and we hope to see you soon!
Ricki and Katy