Grab a glass of wine or an extra coffee as the case may be because this is one long email!
This Thursday and Friday is the fall Planet show. We are keeping our regular store hours, 11-6 BUT if you cannot get here to see Leslie the samples will be here Tuesday through Friday. We also have received the rest of our fall order so there are lots of sizes and the selection is great so there is a good chance you can take home what you want instead of ordering it. We have the last of the terry cloth long jackets here already, 3 in midnight and 3 in black they made exclusively for us. First come first serve or email us and we will hold one or we can send you one. They fit every size and are as soft as can be. Nothing like sweat shirt material! Why they took them off the line we will never know. We both have one. Best fall jacket.

This terry coat also comes in scuba fabric and is a little heavier than the terry cloth ones.
Speaking of shows, here is one you don’t want to miss. Ray Harris will
be in our store on Thursday, September 20th from 11-7, Friday, September 21st, 11-7 and Saturday, 11-5. It is always so great to see what Ray has come up with both in crinkle and his other interesting fabrics. We have his gorgeous crushed skirt dress both in high neck and v neck styles in four different colors. It is a most special dress that you can put a sweater over and use as a skirt to get extra wear out of it.

And speaking of sweaters, the Ivan Grundahl sweaters came in today and they are gorgeous! Here is one of them.

We also got this beautiful dress in this most beautiful color of deep teal.
Our second show you won’t want to miss is the Annemieke show Friday, January 11th and Saturday, January 12th. She always comes up with new items and this is just one of them that will be in the store next week. She has printed scarves with her necklace designs and then you put the necklace on top. Brilliant. And gorgeous.

We just got in the rest of our Niche collection. You will LOVE the shorter tops and easy dresses which can also be used as tunics in deep purple or black. We are also expecting Kedem Sasson and more Rundholz this week.
We received these gorgeous new leather handbags and totes from a new source, Sara Barner. In the most gorgeous colors of green and also a few in black, of course.

Another two reasons to mark your calendars: Diane Rehm and April Ryan are coming to Off the Rack: Conversations at Upstairs on 7th!
Tuesday, October 2nd, the iconic Diane Rehm will be here and we cannot wait! On the radio, starting in 1973, and hosting her own show, The Diane Rehm Show from 1984 until her retirement in 2016 on NPR, Diane is the author of three books and a right to die activist. Still going strong she has a weekly podcast, On My Own and her book by the same name will be here for her to sign. This is one conversation you won’t want to miss.

Monday, November 5th, is the night before the midterms and what could be a better night to host April Ryan, the White House Correspondent for American Urban Radio Networks? In 2017 she was awarded the National Association of Black Journalist’s award for Best Journalist. Her questions for both Sean Spicer and Sarah Sanders has made her our most favorite journalist to watch when the White House does press conferences. Her new book: Under Fire, Reporting from the Front Lines of the Trump White House is just out and we will have them here for April to sign.

For those of you just getting our email for the first time, everyone can attest to the fact they are not usually so long but there is so much to tell everyone at this time of year. Seriously we could write even more but we are starting to get bored ourselves. Stop in, it is Xmas here every morning when our dear UPS man Ty shows up, and see all that is new at Upstairs on 7th!
Ricki and Katy