City Center is putting up their Christmas lights today which means the holidays are three months away. Not that they are rushing anything BUT it is a good reminder that it is time to start thinking about holiday gifts for yourself, for getting through another fantastic year, or it’s a reminder for you to start putting your gift list together. (We know what you are thinking: it’s a good time to buy myself that gift!)
Right now we have the very best selection of handbags, scarves and jewelry that we are going to have. HOWEVER, we are getting in some gorgeous gifts that Katy bought for holiday giving from around the world. They will be in at the end of the month and we cannot wait to have them in the store. It is always so festive.
Scarves from Epice and Ray Harris in the most beautiful colors:

Handbags from Sara Barner, and OAD:
Lots of amazing jewelry from Angela Caputi, Jianhui, Lizzie Fortunato, Monies, Petra Meiren, Samuel Coreaux, Marie Calderara, Sissy Yates, Millianna, Megan Park, and of course Annemieke, among so many more.

Dress of the week is this gorgeous boatneck from Anett Rostel. The fabric cannot feel better it is so sleek and the sheen is what makes it so spectacular. They show it casually but with a different shoe it could go to a black tie event.

Don’t forget to save Saturday, October 20th for our Build a Bag event. From these pictures from a previous event you can see how much fun it is. Lorna has all kinds of logos and letters that she can put on the leather pieces for you. You pick all your own colors, styles and designs. The closure can be in gold or silver or black. And some of them fit into pockets into bigger bags so that they can be changed. It takes about 45 minutes to make a piece. We will have lots of champagne for sure!

For those of you coming to the Diane Rehm event tomorrow we can hardly wait! For those of you who want to come to the Off the Rack: Conversations at Upstairs on 7th with April Ryan there are still a few seats left. Don’t forget dinner is at 6 and the conversation starts at 7. Diane and April will have books here that they will be glad to sign for you. They make great gifts too!
Ricki and Katy