Natalie Martin has come in and we have a beautiful new dress to show you!

We also have it in these two fabrics:

For those of you who love their Taylor shirt and Bella skirt, those have arrived as well. These are perfect if you are leaving this cold weather behind for a warmer climate.
We love Alquema from Australia and it just came in. We got some new styles that we think you are going to love love love!
This jacket in short or long comes in lots of colors so if you don’t see what you like we can order a color for you.

If you want a beautiful coat and dress that will take you just about anywhere these two pieces are the ones for you. They come in lots of colors but we picked this dark teal for those of you who want something other than black. Of course we DID also get it in black because well, it’s black. The texture of the fabric is really beautiful. Together as a dressy suit or separately for work or over tights, these two pieces are great. And prettier in person we might add!

If you wanted the holey tee shirt from Planet and were disappointed that we were out of them, we got them back in again in the beautiful fuschia and the periwinkle blue. Love this tee!

If you would rather have a sweater with the holes here it is and we have it in white, black, and periwinkle blue because this orange one just walked out the door! Again! When you put a tank underneath it looks like little stars shining through but you don’t need a tank as the holes are small. So just if you want to! (That just made me laugh!)

We cannot thank you enough for buying so many raffle tickets to our $500 shopping spree and helping feed our Federal workers through Jose Andres’ charity World Central Kitchen. So far we have collected $1500 and counting. Congratulations to Dagmar Painter as she is our first winner. We will pick another winner on Saturday so come in and contribute and help our neighbors get through this horrible shutdown. We are praying it gets over soon!

This coat is on here again because it is STILL here and we do not know why because it was one of our favorite coats this season. All of our sale scarves are now 40% off, the clothes are 60% off and there are a few pieces left in our 70% off box.

Mark your calendars for Ray Harris’ trunk show. He will be here on Thursday, February 28th, March 1st and March 2nd. He will also be our guest at our first Off the Rack: Conversations at Upstairs on 7th this year on Thursday, February 28th at 7. We will have dinner starting at 6. Please RSVP to hear Ray’s great career story. We had a great time at the Women’s March party this year. So glad so many of you attended. Always so fun to see all the great signs you make!

Have you been watching Grace and Frankie on Netflix? Lots of Dress to Kill and Jianhui jewelry on Lily Tomlin! Have a great week! We are getting lots of new things every day! Ricki and Katy