We have received Moyuru, more Dip and Black Label from Rundholz, Rachel Comey, Giada Forte, Niche which is always great for work, Kedem Sasson, and MORE new Annemieke. We are so busy getting it tagged, hangars changed and steamed we have no time for pictures or even Katy’s Miscellany this week! The take away is that now is a great time to see the most of the the pieces you have come to love.
We cannot take any more reservations for Chef Amy Brandwein’s Off the Rack Conversation but if you have RSVP’d and you cannot come please let us know as we have a waiting list. We are really looking forward to the evening. We KNOW the food is going to be fantastic!
STACEY ABRAMS is coming to DC next week and I am going if anyone else would like to come. Here is the invitation and information about Stacey as well as the Metropolitan A.M.E. Church.

The Family Room at Metropolitan A.M.E. Church is honored to host a conversation with Stacey Abrams-New York Times bestselling author of Lead From The Outside, former Georgia House Democratic Leader, and 2018 Democratic gubernatorial nominee about the importance of fighting voter suppression and ensuring that every American is counted in the 2020 Census. Abrams will be in conversation with trailblazing journalist Dorothy Gilliam.
This event will take place on Thursday, September 12 at 6:30 pm.
Here is the link to get tickets:
Following her gubernatorial campaign in 2018, Abrams launched two organizations aimed at empowering Georgians. The first, Fair Fight, is dedicated to ensuring free and fair elections through litigation, legislation, and advocacy. The second, Fair Count, focuses on ensuring that hard to count populations such as people of color and non-English speakers are accurately counted in the Census.
Each purchased ticket is tax deductible as a donation to Metropolitan A.M.E. Church and will help with the preservation of this important, historic institution. It will also support the continued growth of The Family Room conversation series.
As you can see we are always happy to let you know about interesting programs going on in DC so feel free to let us know and we will post it.
We told you short and sweet. Have a great week, we hope to see you soon!
Ricki and Katy