Every store owner would tell you that the best part of having a retail store is the people they meet. And we are no exception except that we are especially lucky because we get to meet the most accomplished, smartest, and beautiful women in the whole country. And we cannot thank you enough. As stores are going out of business all over the country we have had another great year and we owe it to each and every one of you reading this right now. So thank you. We are very very grateful for you. And we hope that your Thanksgiving will be filled with family and friends, very little delays in travel, and great food.
Our holiday party is this coming Tuesday, December 3rd, and we hope you will stop by any time between 12 and 7 so we can toast the beginning of the holidays and thank you in person. If you know what time you might be coming can you let us know so we can figure out how much food and drink we will need and when? Just email us with the time in the subject line and send it off to us. If you don’t know, don’t worry, just come by.
We’re going to use the party to kick off our holiday giving campaign. We have received lots of great items including some hand knit hats and scarves and we cannot tell you how much we appreciate it. You still have time to donate and you can bring your donations to the party. If you are out and about on Small Business Saturday why not buy your donations then?
The Washington Post is stopping by to see what we are up to and we are hoping that when other store owners read about it they will also start this project.
Below is a list of what we will be collecting. These are items that we’ve researched to understand what is most needed. We will be making up the bags (that will also include a list of resources in the District) starting at the party and through December 16th. We plan to distribute some and you can also pick bags up starting on December 18th to distribute yourself. We’ll have them available until the end of the year or until we run out. For those of you who are out of town and want to contribute, please send items to us by the 14th, or we will gratefully accept donations by check and use the funds to buy items for the bags. Thank you for giving back with us!

Warm Socks (they should be black and good quality)
Kleenex packs
Wipes (that do not have alcohol as an ingredient)
Travel toothbrush
Travel size toothpaste
Chocolate (Dove Promises/Hershey’s Miniatures)
Soft Snacks (Granola Bars/Soft Cookies)
Tuna and Cracker snack packages
Lip Balm
Travel Size Lotion
Gallon Sized Plastic Bags (these should be the kind that has the zipper closure so that they will last)
Don’t forget that we are closed on Thanksgiving weekend. We will be open tomorrow until 6 as usual.
We will be open on Sundays before Christmas starting on Sunday, December 8th.
We hope you have the best Thanksgiving. And once again, thank you so much for shopping with us.
Ricki and Katy