Thank you so much for your help in providing the supplies with both money and items and help in putting our project bags together. We really appreciate it and we know the recipients of your immense generosity will be glad to have the items you provided. We could really use some help distributing the rest of the bags as we just finished making all of them and we have over 100 more to distribute. If you work with any shelters feel free to pick some up for them as well. We would like to get them out before Christmas and thank you to everyone who has come by to give out over 75 bags so far. Let us all thank our lucky stars we have such tremendous blessings in our lives that keeps us safe and sound with a roof over our heads and way more than that.

Our holiday hours are the following: we will be open every day including this Sunday until Christmas Eve. We will be CLOSED on Christmas, the 25th AND also closed on Thursday, the 26th. Then we will be open Friday, the 27th and Saturday the 28th with Monday, the 30th, as our last day of the year. Well that went fast! What a year. We cannot thank you enough for making it so much fun.
Leslie will be here from Planet on Thursday, January 9th and Friday, January 10th with all the spring and summer pieces. We will have the line in the store on January 3rd so if you cannot attend when Leslie is here you won’t miss out on anything. You can see the entire spring and summer line by going to our website at
Here are some of the french terry pieces:

Annemieke will be here on Thursday, January 23rd and Friday, January 24th with all her new scarves and necklaces, some of which are from Katy’s paintings. The scarves look gorgeous and come in cotton and silk. She will also have her new pieces made from vintage kimonos.

Ray Harris will be here Thursday, February 13th, Friday, February 14th and Saturday, February 15th. If you need a special dress for a special occasion this is the show to attend.
Unfortunately George Vrandenburg will not be able to do our conversation on the 14th of January as he will be traveling. Please take this off your calendar.
A very important discussion we all need to have is what we need to make available in case something sudden should happen to us or someone close to you dies suddenly and you need information. Or passwords, or insurance certificates or anything important. We will welcome to Off the Rack: Conversations at Upstairs on 7th Robyn Wagman and Marilee Fitzgerald, owners of Estate Of Mine Organizers on Tuesday, February 25th. Prepare to get all your ducks in a row! Please RSVP by email.

As the big holiday movies come out send us your thoughts, good or bad, on what you are seeing and we will pass them on. The new season of The Crown on Netflix is great and the castle they are using as a double for Buckingham Palace is now available as an airbnb. How fun would that be?
For a great and very beautiful dinner check out Mirabelle. We went there for Katy’s birthday and it was so good. And the food looked beautiful.
Don’t forget we are open this Saturday AND SUNDAY 12-5. Please use the E Street entrance as the building is locked on the weekend.
Come pick up bags for distribution and shop for all your holiday needs!
Ricki and Katy