Rundholz is here!
A sure sign that spring is on its way is when the first part of our Rundholz order arrives. There is something so refreshing about checking in pieces that are cotton instead of wool. Since it showed up a little bit early this year, we are taking it as a sign that winter will end soon. In other words, Rundholz is like Punxsutawny Phil, just way prettier.
You will notice that much of this collection is blue. It is no coincidence
that Pantone’s color of the year was Classic Blue. Designers around the world were definitely in on that prediction and took note. Blue is
everywhere in all shades, so this is just the first of our collections where you’ll see it. We especially love how this year’s Rundholz Black Label
print looks hand-painted.

And glitter cardigans! Ricki was most excited about these (so excited that she bought all three colors for herself, they come in grey, white and black). They don’t photograph that well because the sequins are the tiniest we’ve ever seen, but trust us, they’re really cool. For those of you looking for a little less sparkle, we bought them without the sequins, too. To each his own. Ricki: Team Glitter and Katy: (with an appreciation for, but) not Team Glitter.

We received the rest of our Ray Harris order and were reminded how much we love all of his new styles for spring. Katy has worn her Raglan dress pretty much every other day for the last three weeks and we have two in the store: the fuchsia one below and one in black, so you can have this perfect dress, too.

We should be receiving Heydari and Ganni in the next few days, early next week at the latest. This is the time of year when we pretty much have daily shipments, so any day you visit we may be knee deep in boxes. Just how we love it. It’s like Christmas after Christmas, especially because neither of us remember what we bought, so it’s almost as much of a surprise for us as it is for you.
We have lots of events coming up.

A reminder that our Off the Rack: Conversations at Upstairs on 7th with Robyn Wagman and Marilee Fitzgerald, owners of Estate Of Mine Organizers on Tuesday, February 25th still has some seats available. Please RSVP via email
On March 24th, Ruth Marcus will be here for an Off the Rack to discuss her book Supreme Ambition: Brett Kavanaugh and the Conservative Takeover. We’ve both seen her speak about this book and it is a fascinating read. We have copies available in the store, so if you’d like you can pick one up and get a head start. On that night, we will serve a light
dinner from 6-7, the program will run form 7-8 and Ruth will sign the book following the conversation.
Please RSVP to to reserve your seat.
In April we are going to have our annual Small Piece Art Show. We will again focus on local artists from around the DMV and their work. If you would like to participate as an artist, or would like to suggest an artist for us to consider, please email
This year we will be hosting the event in our beautiful, new lobby, so there will be more room to browse and we will be able to accommodate more artists. The show will be on April 21st and we will send an exact time for the event soon.
Less that two weeks until the Oscar’s! Have you all caught up on what you want to see before the big night? Any predictions? Will Brad bring Jen as his date and crash the whole internet? We’ll have a full report on it all!
In the meantime, bundle up and come see spring! If you don’t have a great coat to bundle up in, we still have some on sale, so come get a coat and then look at spring.
As always, we are here from 11-6 on Friday and 12-5 on Saturday.
See you soon!
Ricki and Katy