First, let us thank all of you for all your concern and offers to buy gift cards, pre-pay special orders, etc. Thankfully, that is not necessary but we will not forget your generosity ever. Seriously, ever.
We are sure that many of you are a little panicked and anxious which is also contagious. But so is positivity and kindness and love. So that is what we have decided to concentrate on. (Except when we aren’t).
This is a fantastic time to get carry out from all the restaurants you can never get into. You can enjoy good food while helping to keep our restaurants open so when this is over, we will be able to go to them again. Don’t even get us started on Jose Andres: he is truly a magnificent human being. Also, in an effort to not have to go to a grocery store I ordered lots of low calorie snacks from Nutrisystem. I am just not going to go through a lockdown without their honey mustard pretzels. THAT is going way way too far!! Oh, and the best ice cream sandwiches.
We were supposed to have a Planet fall trunk show in May but because that may be cancelled we are having our webmaster put up the new fall pictures of the line so we can have a digital trunk show. If you know your size, although much of it is one size, and wish to order something you can email us. We will get you a price and the colors the item is available in. We should be up and running for you to view this by Thursday morning.
For those of you who have asked to shop online as it were, I am going into the store to collect mail and the special orders Ray is sending several times a week. If you want to get some summer clothes I can send you a box and you can shop in your own home. Just email me and we will set up a time to do it.
I promised I would send out some of the funnier emails and memes we have received so here are some of them:
Alexa for Seniors by the cast of SNL gqs5ETk

From buzzfeed we loved number 21 and 8 especially.
For those of you who are not going out at all, think about joining ZOOM, a video conferencing app that you can use to have dinners with your friends and family so you don’t go start raving mad in isolation.
Some of you have also written that you are getting up and dressed everyday and sending me pictures.
Here is one of our amazing friends in one of our great Sun Kim outfits.

Speaking of Sun Kim and Comfy, there is a company in California that is making the best designs from that company. We ordered it right before this happened and while it was supposed to be delivered in June we are sure that is not going to happen. It will eventually so we may be saved from not being able to get it. Fingers crossed that this manufacturer stays in business.
All the dates we had for trunk shows, private events for some non profits, and our Off the Rack: Conversations at Upstairs on 7th series have been POSTPONED. NOT cancelled. Again, we want to tell you that when this is over we WILL be open.
Having said that we got a number of emails yesterday that cited the President’s opinion that we may be open for business in our country next week so we can save our economy. He is asking all of us to choose between our health and our economy. We pick health. My late father was an incredible business person and I owe him immense gratitude for teaching me how to run a successful business. BUT, he used to always say to anyone who would listen that your health is the most important thing you have because you can always make more money. And then he said you actually have to be alive to do that.
We will all get through this. The great thing about being older is that we know that. But let’s stay safe, let’s stay healthy, and let’s keep laughing because that is our only choice.
We miss you all and we cannot wait to see you as soon as we all can do that safely.
Ricki and Katy