Is it over yet? We miss you.

Thank you all so much for all of your emails, your hysterical and funny memes and your inspirational and beautiful sites for us to visit. Below are some of the best ones:
One of our customer’s granddaughter who is a Ray Harris customer in the making if ever there was one! Gorgeous!

Our friend in her most recent outfits looking gorgeous!

Ask my children and they will verify that there was never ever ever a single magnet or picture on my refrigerator, but today that all changed for a little bit of inspiration. (Don’t worry she will be back to the store as soon as we can re-open). The SCOTUS gym remains open so Justice Ginsburg can work out. You have to love her.

So here is an idea: we have Zoom so if you download their free app from the app store we could do happy hour together a few days a week because who isn’t drinking? We could try it for tomorrow and see how it goes. It is best with about ten people so if you want to get on one just email us at and we will invite you to get on. All you do is go to the app, hit join meeting, put in the ID number, and it will take you to the “meeting.”
We will do it on a first come, first serve basis and if there are too many people we will start a list and take the second ten to do one and so on. You can do more than one. You do not have to put on makeup but we do insist that if you are staying in your pj’s, (who isn’t?) that you wear your day or your night ones, whichever ones are prettier! I am trying to keep to a schedule so I will definitely be wearing glitter on my eyes and my red lipstick!
From Professor Mori:
Clever people copying art:
If you haven’t watched The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, the clothes in the series are so gorgeous and the series itself is hilarious.
Katy is watching Ozark and she loves it. Send us your favorite Netflix and/or your Amazon Prime picks and we will pass them along.
For a good laugh go to Netflix comedy original specials and watch Seth Myer’s Lobby Baby. It is really funny especially the end. We could all use a little laugh right about now.
Oh, we forgot! We have the Planet fall collection on our website as a virtual trunk show since Leslie probably won’t be able to come in May. If there is anything you know will fit, you can order it and receive it in July when they start shipping fall. Right now they are in three days a week in case you still want spring as we can have Planet drop ship to you directly. This is, of course, subject to change but we will keep you posted. Unfortunately, they do not make lingerie!
Stay safe, stay healthy.
Miss you, love you, mean it!
Ricki and Katy