Sorry to bother everyone with a second email this week but so many people have asked about the masks that I wanted to clarify some things.
First let me tell you what is going on with packages coming into the country from London and all of Europe for that matter. In order to use some delivery companies you now need a special license and permission and Ray does not have that. As a result of this the packages are coming through the post office. Usually when a package gets out of customs it gets put on a truck and delivered to the post office in DC the next day. Then it is sorted and delivered in the next day or two. Since the only packages being shipped are practically all from Amazon the trucks are waiting to get filled up before they come to DC from New York. Therefore, the trucks can take as much as a whole week to get filled which of course causes delays. A lot of them have been shipped but in tracking them it just says they are in transit which is pretty much worthless information. So they are a week to ten days away but we will need them I am afraid for a long time. On Friday Ray found out that UPS is still delivering to the US so he will send out a package through them so we can see if it takes a shorter period of time to get here. At least ours will be fashionable. I will let you know the minute they arrive. Thanks so much for your patience.
They are $65 dollars each plus shipping because Ray is charging less and so are we. They are made of neoprene with crinkled fabric on the top so even though they are pretty they will work really well. Some men have ordered them and those will come with a plain top.
Do not worry if you have not sent me a request for them as you can do it now as I talk to Ray every day. I check on him to make sure he is ok because he is living in his studio. He gave his gorgeous home to a family of four for free because they had nowhere to go. Of course Ray Harris did that. Kindest. Person. Alive.

One last thing: some people have called to tell me they wish we would put our inventory online for online shopping. The stores that do that for the most part have a photography studio in their stores and they photograph everything as it comes in. We have over 1,000 pieces of clothing, accessories, jewelry and gifts so that would be impossible. Plus you need to have your website totally secure to take credit cards to protect your identity. You also need a shipping space and you have to keep track of all the returns. Since we are closed UPS has no way to deliver to us so I am having any shipments sent to my home.
What we ARE doing is FaceTiming with people and sending out boxes which we can still do from the store. I come in once or twice a week to pick up the mail so if anyone wants to shop on FaceTime please let me know and I will schedule a time.
Of course being closed is really difficult so any shopping you want to do is very much appreciated. We have decided to give you 20% off anything in the store (but not Annemieke of course) because at this moment, everyone needs a break!
Stay safe, stay well and we will see you soon!