Last week we were having trouble remembering what day it was and now, because this Covid-19 is a tricky little number, we are starting to forget what month it is, too. It’s May, just in case you were having trouble, too.
Another week has gone by and with it April. April showers bring May… well who the heck cares, because no amount of changing weather is going to make for a bad hair day when you can’t leave your house!
Thinking back to the start of all of this, would any of us thought that we would still be under a stay at home order in May?! Would we have done some things a bit differently? Maybe so. Maybe extra hugs, some yeast and toilet paper hoarding and maybe we would have switched our closets over knowing we would never wear our winter clothes again until next winter since all we needed for spring were PJ’s. Lesson learned and we need not have it repeated.
You know how sometimes it feels like we don’t get a long spring and we just jump to summer? This is sort of like that, except that it has been the longest spring ever (we think they call them epochs,) and now it is time to wear summer clothes pretty much. Which we have a lot of and can’t wait to show you. Someday. Until then, ring the store or reply to this email and Ricki will sneak into the store and show you some. She’s doing it safely as she is the only person who has been in the store since it has been closed and she is not leaving the house without her Ray Harris mask, her red lipstick under it and lots of glitter eyeshadow. With “Ricki armor” this virus doesn’t stand a chance.
This may be a good time to remind everyone that all of this good humor is meant to be just that. It is not a sign that we don’t feel the gravity of what is happening, nor are we immune to the sadness of it. We just need a break once a week to laugh a little bit. Also, we’re in charge of this email, so if we want it to be a haven for all you wonderful women to have a chuckle, it’s our party and we’ll post silly memes if we want to.
Speaking of which, we thought we would need to solicit for submissions heavily, but the internet just keeps on giving and this week there are some real gems.
Don’t you miss getting to go look at art? Here is some:


Are you reading a lot? Why? Life is stranger than fiction right now.

One thing you should stop doing is looking in the mirror so much. The whole world is gaining weight, except Ricki, who has lost weight, which Katy finds super irritating as there really shouldn’t be a prize for hating to cook. At any rate, for the rest of you, the loaf of bread you ate today was worth it. Don’t let anyone tell you rolls can’t be cute.

Also, are you starting to miss seeing other people? Even the introverts are beginning to think being an extrovert is where it’s at.

One more just to keep your brain sharp: read the titles on the book spines left to right.

And lastly, our FUN &GAMES section:
First, an update: Ricki has successfully finished…adding three more pieces to her puzzle and Kenny won the Spelling Bee in our family this week.
Both are MAJOR accomplishments.
Here are the answers to last week’s puzzle:

Here is this week’s puzzle:

Feel free to send us your total score and we will post a U7 winner. We’ll think of a prize, but glory should be enough.
Remember, the rules are as follows: make as many words as you can using the letters provided. Each word must use the center letter at least once. Letters can be used more than once and each word must be at least five letters. Words are one point each unless they use all seven letters in which case they are worth three points. There is always at least one seven letter word.
Here is our amazing friend in another incredible outfit, this time by Ray.
So gorgeous.

And then this:

In defense of this dear friend she has probably single handedly gotten us more referrals than anyone through the years by just walking around DC. When she was at the Justice Department there was a plaque in her office given to her for the best dressed lawyer in the entire department. When she came over she said she was an example of someone who doesn’t shop here. She added that this is what happens when there is a pandemic and you CAN’T shop here! Don’t let this happen to you!!
We can FaceTime with you and send you a box of spring/summer clothing and jewelry. Reply to this email and Ricki will schedule a time with you. 20% off anything in the store (but not Annemieke of course) continues.
Here are a few great items in the store:
Maria Calderara laser cut shawl:

And yes we have it in black

One of my favorite Dress to Kill shirts:

Angela Caputi jewels:

If we ever go out again this is the T to wear by Planet:

Zucca handbag

A word about Ray’s masks: we emailed you in the order you responded to buy them. We have 50 more coming in the next few days so if you have not heard from us, you will in the next day or two and we will get them right out to you. We will be wearing them for a long long time unfortunately.
As always, please let us know how you are and anything that is making you laugh and smile that we might include in our next email.
Stay safe, stay well, stay strong and we will see you soon! We will.
Ricki & Katy