Hi Everyone!
While we are anxiously awaiting Mayor Bowser’s announcement regarding the first phases for reopening the city, we are planning our return to the store and the precautions we will take for it to be safe for all of you to come visit us. Many more details as we have a date for opening.
We cannot wait to see everyone again!
In the meantime, we have decided to institute (drum roll, please,)
“Wardrobe Wednesdays” to help everyone get ready for moving around the city again. Because let’s face it, at some point your pajamas will need to become bedtime clothes again and the workout gear, well, that will either need to be worn for working out, or serve its normal purpose of staring at you from your closet and making you feel guilty when you’re not working out.
This is how “Wardrobe Wednesdays” will work:
We will have thirty minute time slots from 12-4 available to FaceTime or Zoom with you. We will pre-select items to show you based on your requests for the items you are looking to fill in your wardrobe with.
Our first Wardrobe Wednesday will be this Wednesday, May 13th.
To book a slot, please do the following:
Email us at U7Wardrobe@gmail.com and let us know your top three time preferences.
Time slots are as follows:
By the way, these are all PM appointments, but since insomnia seems to be one of the biggest commonalities among us during the pandemic if you are up during the am hours, Hollywood, My Brilliant Friend, The Last Dance, Bulgravia, Making the Cut have been our go to’s in the wee hours.
2. Let us know the kinds of items you would like to see. For example: dresses, tops, pants, jewelry, etc. Let us know the sizes you would like to see. No judgment if you’ve gone up a size or two since the stay at home order. It’s a global pandemic for goodness sakes! Lots of baking happened. We get it.
3. Please include the phone number you’d like us to FaceTime you on or if you would prefer to Zoom.
4. We will pre-select items based on your requests and have them ready for your 30 minute chat with us (we can’t wait to see your lovely faces!)
We can also walk through the store and go through the jewelry cases to show you in real time. We also have winter sale items and they are all 70% off.
5. We will email you by Tuesday evening with your time slot and a Zoom link if we’ll be Zooming.
If all the slots fill up don’t despair. Ricki has been FaceTiming the entire time and she will be back in the store on Thursday. Wednesday you get us both! Our fantastic out of towners have been FaceTiming with us as well and we look forward to hearing from you all.
We will continue Wardrobe Wednesdays until we reopen.
Once our doors are open, we are happy to FaceTime or Zoom with anyone unable to visit the store. We are having our designers ship us fall in late August instead of the first of July so we will be selling summer all summer long so you have not missed much. Most of our designers cannot ship until late August anyways because the supply chain for fabrics has been interrupted and lockdowns both here and abroad have prevented manufacturing on a large scale.
See some of you Wednesday! Yay!
We hope everyone had as good a Mother’s Day as was possible. I certainly did. When Kenny was five he brought home a card and a begonia from his school project. We planted the begonia together in our garden and since then every year I can count on begonias arriving. This year was no different!

And then my clever daughter, who thinks I am very hard to shop for, came up with an amazing gift! Drum roll: here is the new exclusive Ricki Red lipstick!

Go on the Finding Ferdinand website to make your own color! Isn’t that so cool?
We do have this tee shirt in several colors from Planet if you didn’t get to order one last week. It is perfect for the summer. The sleeve comes right below the elbow so no working out for your arms. Which we love.

Now for some laughs. Thank you to those who sent these along. Every laugh is very appreciated.
Here are this week’s best of the best!
Because we don’t have enough to worry about, now there are also murder hornets for us and the bees to contend with:

The grocery store being out of yeast is actually a good thing for Katy because that two Challahs she was making was lasting for about two days…(see above for no judgment about needing a bigger size!)

Yep to this one:

Or at least Capri-sun like Margaritas to make the every other week grocery store run more tolerable and less anxiety ridden:

The difference between cats and dogs:

And because kindness really goes a long way during all of this:

A reminder that a global pandemic does not mean you shouldn’t dress to the nines Ray mask and all. Here is this week’s entry in our fashionista file (aka an example for Katy so she will stop wearing the same dress five days in a row and for Ricki to remind her to retire those Rundholz pants for a day or two every once in a while!)

And lastly, our FUN & GAMES section:
Here is an updated photo of Ricki’s puzzle! Progress! Anyone have a guess as to what it is?

Here are the answers to last week’s NYTImes Spelling Bee puzzle:

Here is this week’s puzzle:

Remember, the rules are as follows: make as many words as you can using the letters provided. Each word must use the center letter at least once. Letters can be used more than once and each word must be at least five letters. Words are one point each unless they use all seven letters in which case they are worth three points. There is always at least one seven letter word.
As always, please let us know how you are and anything that is making you laugh and smile that we might include in our next email.
Stay safe, stay well, stay strong and we will see you soon! We will.
Ricki & Katy