Hi Everyone!
Some good news and some bad news for Upstairs on 7th.
Bad news first so that you are not all nervous: the bad news is that we are both now watching Bosch and this means we do not have time to work anymore. Therefore, should the Mayor open the store this week, we have two choices: to stay home and finish six seasons, or you may have to help yourself when you come visit because we will be sitting at the desk with toothpicks holding our eyes open from watching so many episodes.
Just kidding! We cannot wait to break up with all of our streaming platforms!
The GOOD NEWS is that the Mayor published some guidelines for reopening retail which gives us an indication that it is on the horizon AND it lets us make sure we are prepared to keep everyone safe. We will continue to update you on our opening and how the store will work, but be rest assured we have secured disposable gloves, hand wipes, proper cleaning supplies and masks.
We cannot wait to welcome you back, to catch up with you and to be with each other again. We love what we do and we love working together so even though we have kept these emails light, we’ve really, really, missed the store.
Wardrobe Wednesdays have kept us exercising our retail muscles just enough and we are happy to host it again this week.
For anyone who would like to join this week and needs the 411, this is how Wardrobe Wednesdays work:
We have thirty minute time slots from 12-4 available to FaceTime or Zoom with you. We will pre-select items to show you based on your requests for the items you are looking to fill in your wardrobe with.
To book a slot, please do the following:
EMAIL us at U7Wardrobe@gmail.com and let us know your top three time preferences.
Here are the slots for this Wednesday, May 20th:
By the way, these are all PM appointments, so herewith is your middle of the night viewing rundown again if you are up past your bedtime: (The Big Flower Fight is like the Great British Bakeoff, but with florists, The Great, Bulgravia, the aforementioned Bosch. We really are getting to the ends of the internets at this point, so it is really time to get back to the store and let our brains rest. If we don’t, we may have to start watching 90-Day fiancé and that is where the line must be drawn.
2. Let us know the kinds of items you would like to see. For example: dresses, tops, pants, jewelry, etc. Let us know the sizes you would like to see. No judgment if you’ve gone up a size or two since the stay at home order. It’s a global pandemic for goodness sakes! Lots of baking happened. We get it. A reminder that everything except Annemieke is on sale at 20% off.
3. Please let us know if you would like to FaceTime or if you would prefer to Zoom. For FaceTime, we will have you call us.
4. We will pre-select items based on your requests and have them ready for your 30 minute chat with us (we can’t wait to see your lovely faces!)
We can also walk through the store and go through the jewelry cases to show you in real time. We also have winter sale items and they are all 70% off.
5. We will email you by Tuesday evening with your time slot and a Zoom link if we’ll be Zooming.
If all the slots fill up don’t despair because we will continue Wardrobe Wednesdays until we reopen.
Once our doors are open, we are more than happy to FaceTime or Zoom with anyone unable to visit the store.
See some of you Wednesday! Yay!
We have masks from Ray Harris still and we are getting more today or tomorrow including the printed ones from a few weeks ago.
We also have these:

Our style icons checked in with us this past week and here they are:
Time to wear white!

How great do these women look? Their energy is astounding!
Now for this week’s giggles.
Finally remembered what Zoom calls remind us of:

For those who are nearly done being a home school teacher, you’re almost there and we feel your pain!


And then there are these:
I hope they give us two weeks notice before sending us back out into the real world. I think we’ll all need the time to become ourselves again. And by “ourselves” I mean lose 10 pounds, cut our hair and get used to not drinking at 9:00 a.m.New monthly budget: Gas $0 Entertainment $0 Clothes $0 Groceries $2,799.Breaking News: Wearing a mask inside your home is now highly recommended. Not so much to stop COVID-19, but to stop eating.Low maintenance chicks are having their moment right now. We don’t have nails to fill and paint, roots to dye, eyelashes to re-mink, and are thrilled not to have to get dressed every day. I have been training for this moment my entire life!When this quarantine is over, let’s not tell some people.I stepped on my scale this morning. It said: “Please practice social distancing. Only one person at a time on scale.”Not to brag, but I haven’t been late to anything in over 6 weeks.It may take a village to raise a child but I swear it’s going to take a vineyard to home school one.I wanted zombies and anarchy. Instead we got working from home and toilet paper shortages.Worst. Apocalypse. Ever.You know those car commercials where there’s only 1 vehicle on the road – doesn’t seem so unrealistic these days …They can open things up next month, I’m staying in until July to see what happens to you all first.Day 37: The garbage man placed an AA flyer on my recycling bin.The spread of Covid-19 is based on two things:1. How dense the population is.2. How dense the population is.Appropriate analogy: “The curve is flattening so we can start lifting restrictions now” = “The parachute has slowed our rate of descent, so we can take it off now”.People keep asking: “Is coronavirus REALLY all that serious?” Listen y’all, the churches and casinos are closed. When heaven and hell agree on the same thing it’s probably pretty serious.Never in a million years could I have imagined I would go up to a bank teller wearing a mask and ask for money.Home school Day 1: I’m trying to figure out how I can get this kid transferred out of my class.Putting a drink in each room of my house today and calling it a pub crawl.Okay, the schools are closed. So do we drop the kids off at the teacher’s house or what?For the second part of this quarantine do we have to stay with the same family or will they relocate us? Asking for myself …Coronavirus has turned us all into dogs. We wander around the house looking for food. We get told “No” if we get too close to strangers and we get really excited about going for walks and car rides.The dumbest thing I’ve ever bought was a 2020 planner …
As always, the Fun & Games section is here to occupy a few minutes of your time, because most of us have way too much of it.
Here are the answers to last week’s NYTImes Spelling Bee puzzle:

Here is this week’s puzzle:

Remember, the rules are as follows: make as many words as you can using the letters provided. Each word must use the center letter at least once. Letters can be used more than once and each word must be at least five letters. Words are one point each unless they use all seven letters in which case they are worth three points. There is always at least one seven letter word.
Just a final thought (we may be a little bit biased…) without any lack of appreciation for the big box stores that have made sure we have basic necessities and their incredible associates who are unsung heroes of the front lines:

As always, please let us know how you are! We really do love hearing from you.
Ricki and Katy
This week’s email is dedicated to Katy’s dog Ivy who turns 14 today! She is a death-defying little girl with three legs and three teeth and we are so happy she is still with us!