The scene when Dorothy throws a bucket of water on the Wicked Witch of the West in the Wizard of Oz keeps coming to mind as the temperatures continue to rise. Where is she when we need her to throw buckets of water on us?! This scene is also a very nostalgic scene for the two of us because we know you will not believe it, but when Katy was a teenager, she may or may not have had a moment of drama and told Ricki she’d be perfect for the part of the witch. Imagine! Also, if you have teenagers at home, let this serve as a reminder that this is age appropriate behavior and it will get better.
Anyway, it’s really hot and besides lots of light clothes to get you through, we do have lots of cold water here, so if you want to stop by to say hi and hydrate, we’re here for you.
We have loved seeing all of you who have come to take advantage of our sale. 20%-70% off continues and many designers who never go on sale, are. This is Covid’s and our gift to you for being such great clients and friends. We would not be here without you. We’ve always known that and appreciated that, but we are more grateful than ever. We also love when you get things on sale. Everyone loves a sale and so do we!
Here are two light weight dresses for summer from Rundholz and Megan Park with fabulous jewelry from Annemieke. This year we have some great dresses from all of our designers. Perfect for summer.

Here is more jewelry for you to see that is on sale:

The pieces above from Angela Caputi are especially beautiful in the amber and burgundy mixed pieces.
A lot of these pieces would be great for birthdays and the holidays coming up especially because they are sale now!
We are ramping up our social media presence since we find ourselves with a little more time on our hands. We are planning to host our first Facebook live today. We have no idea how to do this, so it should be great fun for you all to watch us figure it out! We are planning to go live on the Upstairs on 7th page at 3 pm today. Tune in. It might be great and it might be like a bloopers reel! If that is not a good time for you don’t worry because you can go to our Facebook page and see it at any time. You can make comments in real time and Katy will be seeing them as we try this out!
We are also trying to do a better job of posting on Instagram. It may surprise you that Ricki is actually far better at technology than Katy (and this is Katy writing this, so this is simply a statement of fact and honest self-assessment!) Selling clothes via pen and paper is a tough nut to crack, though, so I am committing to post on Instagram, which is the part of my job that I am terrible at. Hold me to it, people! Also, be sure to follow Ray Harris on Instagram as he has just joined and is currently posting his spring/summer 2021 sketches. If you go to our Instagram you will see my post where I welcome him to the app and you can follow him there. He is already posting more than I am. I might have to fire myself if my Mama doesn’t get to it first.
Speaking of the internet, here are the funniest memes of the week all sent to us from our friend Gabriele!!

Our store remains open Monday-Friday 11am-5pm and by appointment on Saturday. This is a flexible schedule, so should you need us to be at the store outside of these hours, please let us know and one of us will be here. We are happy to accommodate you and we are usually here before and after our set hours.
You are welcome to call and let us know when you plan to visit, but we are happy to welcome you without an appointment.
As always, for those who are still self-quarantining or out of town, we are available for Zoom and FaceTime, just email us at: u7wardrobe@gmail.com or reply to this email and we will confirm the who, what, where, when and how. You can shop the sale from wherever you are and have it delivered right to you!
As always, be well and please stay safe! See you on Facebook Live today at 3 and Instagram, and better yet, in person. You can smile at us from behind your masks!
Ricki and Katy
PS: Shout out to Rosi and Pat: you made it to the email!!!