Can you believe that Labor Day Weekend is upon us? Do we even do holidays in 2020? We do, right? Right?!
The good news is that all fashion rules have been turned upside their head in the past decade and you can keep wearing white after Labor Day. Be a rebel like Ricki. Do it all year. There is no stopping her and there should be no stopping you. Although to be fair she doesn’t wear white pants or white skirts after Labor Day. Rules are rules.
It doesn’t seem possible that it is September and yet here we are!
Happy Back to School for those of you in the throws of getting your family or yourselves back to school and for those of you homeschooling, just remember that day drinking is perfectly normal and retail therapy is a great alternative. We’re here to help you with both. There is always champagne in the store and when we offer you water, it is perfectly acceptable to say yes, but that you’d like the alcoholic kind.
Here’s a great sign in front of the liquor store on the way to work today:

Our designers are starting to let us know that our fall orders are ready and we expect that we will be getting regular shipments for the next four weeks or so. We have worked really hard to adjust our selection to fit the 2020 lifestyle. This means that we have trimmed back on dressy items and re-focused our attentions on cozy clothes, work from home clothes, and Zoom appropriate clothes. Lots of easy dresses and separates to make us all feel happy, pretty and comfortable!
Our Planet order is arriving today, so if you missed the trunk show or you wanted to wait to see our selection, come visit! There are lots of wonderful sweaters this season: some of our old favorites and lots of new styles that we love. There are some beautiful new colors including Lagoon Blue and Whiskey which were very popular during the trunk show which is always a good indication that they are winners. The cargo pants in both matte jersey and terry cloth have been a hit and everything has been fitting really well, so make sure to get in for the best choice of items. For those of you who are out of town clients, you can see the whole collection on our website and we are always happy to FaceTime with you or answer questions to help you make the right choices. We will show Planet today on Facebook Live at 3:00 EDT.
Here is the terry cloth cargo pant that comes in black or raisin. You can just barely see the pockets on the sides but they are there.

We have a bit of our Rundholz order left, so if you haven’t seen it, now is the time! All of the pieces were wonderful in this shipment, so if you haven’t been able to see it, there are still some great finds to start or add to your Rundholz collection. The crossbody buckle bag, the long jean jacket that opens on the sides and the garnet sweater are favorites that we still have a nice selection of sizes in.
This is the little purse that could: two large pockets in front and one on each side. You can get everything you need in this small bag. Perfect for long walks!

We still have this jacket but sadly, we are sold out of the shorter one. What we love about the longer one is that when you zip the sides up it is very thin if you get our drift!

Love this gorgeous color:

Heydari will be here today and there are some great pieces in the collection this time including this tunic or dress depending on how long or short you like your dresses.

Zucca will be in on Friday and MAYBE so will what we like to call Comfy 2.0. We are not sure what happened but somehow this manufacturer in California got or bought the fabric and designs that were Comfy and Sun Kim. We bought a bunch of our favorites just in case you wanted to replenish your tees, wide ankle pants and of course there are some new styles as well. Lots to see for lots of zooms and hopefully some nice dinners outside at our many good restaurants. We are doing our best to support as many of them as we can as they are really hurting.
For those of you reading this you know we have the most interesting and accomplished women in the country shopping here. Look in your mirror: we are talking about YOU!
With that in mind we like to pass along invitations that are sent to us when we can and in this era of the amazing stock market we thought you would be interested in this 45 minute virtual luncheon with our customer and friend Jo Ousterhout:
45 minutes to feeling a bit less guilty about your personal finances
When you receive statements from your retirement fund/broker/financial advisor, do you:
Throw them in a drawer (or the digital equivalent), vowing to look at them “later”? (Yet, somehow, “later” never arrives…)
Feel a vague sense of guilt – you want to see what’s happening with your money, but the statements might as well be in Martian; they’re simply impenetrable.
Take a look, which brings up a few questions, but then don’t know who to go to for answers, or even feel too embarrassed to ask?
If you answered yes, to any of these, know that you are not alone. Also know that it’s easier to understand your account statements than you may believe.
To be honest, I know exactly how you feel. I tossed my statements in a drawer for years, with at best a cursory look, until once when I was changing jobs and figured I should take a close look. And that’s when I discovered that my 401(k) balance didn’t seem to make sense given my contributions and allocations. Turned out an HR screwup had translated into a $30,000 reduction to my account! Luckily, I was able to get it fixed. But the discovery was a panic moment.
So unearth your statements, bring your questions and join me on Friday September 11th. I’ll explain how to read and understand your statements. (And I’ll tell you more about my missing $30,000 and what I did to fix it.)
Understanding your investment account (IRA, 401(k), brokerage, etc.) statements, September’s Friday Finance Fundamentals Lunch & Learn.
Date: Friday, September 11, 2020
Time: 12-12:45 EDT/9-9:45 PDT.
It’s free but you must register in advance to this link: ikSpoygnv1fCGYMDA
Friends are more than welcome; they also need to register to attend.

It has been so nice to have a steady flow of visitors again. We appreciate it in so many ways! We can’t tell you enough how much it means to us that you have been so supportive of us making sure we can keep our doors open.
For those of you with Netflix who haven’t seen Next in Fashion and love Project Runway, do take a watch, as one of our new designers this season is Minjukim who appears on the show. Katy dug to the ends of the internet in the middle of the night to figure out how to reach her and fell in love with her fall collection in Paris. Since this is our initial offering, pieces will be very limited. They are so special and SO impeccably made and we can’t wait to show them to you. She is a super talented designer and as sweet as she is on the show (one of things we love most about what we do is working with truly kind designers)! You can wet your whistle by watching the show and when we receive our order we will post photos here (the shipment is on its way from Seoul, so hopefully in the next couple of weeks it will be here!)
The special orders from the Annemieke show should be here a little later today or for sure by tomorrow. We will let you know the minute they come in!
So many funny memes this week. 2020 is the year of the meme! Here are some of our favorites:

We hope to see you soon. We’re at the store from 11-5 Monday through Friday and by appointment on Saturday. Of course you are more than welcome to come early or late and one of us will meet you! We’ll continue to adjust our hours as you need, so don’t hesitate to let us know when you want to see us!
See us on Facebook Live this afternoon at 3 or if you are not around you can see it at any time. Just go to our U7 Facebook page!
Have a good rest of the week and we’ll keep you posted on new arrivals and virtual events!
Be well and be safe! We love you!
Ricki and Katy