Was anything important on television last night? Katy was too busy watching Schitt’s Creek to notice (she is way late to the game on this one, but for anyone else who has been hanging out under the rock that she has, there is maybe no better antidote to our current times than Eugene Levy and Catherine O’Hara, not to mention the costumes, which are pitch perfect).
Seriously though, without getting political, THAT DEBATE WAS SOMETHING (and we’re just pretending to be writing this the day you receive it, we really write it the day before, but we can be certain there was some drama and that it was something)!
But, enough about that, you’re here for the clothes.
We just got a really great jacket from Reina Lee in navy blue or black. Ricki forgot to order one for herself and may or may not be pouting about it, but you can have one, so act fast. She’s already busy selling them so that she doesn’t feel as bad! It is lightweight so you can wear it as a shirt too. Also it goes in the washer and dryer and the collar can be pulled to make it ruffle.

We have been really happy with the Reina Lee items we’ve received. If you haven’t seen them and you loved Comfy, come visit! There are lots of old favorite styles and really nice new ones. Actually the way they are shipped we now think that Comfy’s manufacturer is the one that bought the designs. Same hangers with the same markings and about ten pieces of clothing rammed in that should be in another box but isn’t!
The new Ray Harris crinkle we got in is so beautiful. We picked the best colors, if we do say so ourselves. Nothing boosts morale like the chic crinkle pieces. Katy is wearing her crinkle dress with a jean jacket and sneakers today. Totally Zoom and Covid appropriate, so if you have a Ray dress at home, try it, and when you realize how comfortable and happy you feel in it, we have all of the new shapes here for you so you can have another one!

Make it casual

It’s been really fun to hear reactions to some of our newer lines for those of you who have visited. Here are a few more Comme des Garçons styles we love:

And some Minjukim

Again because we didn’t know that we would be closing and life would stop as we know it we did buy a few dressy pieces from Heydari and here is one of the best:

We have a couple more new lines coming in the next few weeks that we are so excited to share with you. We’ll keep you posted!
We had lots of orders for the Epice scarves last week, so if you are hoping to give them as holiday presents or as a gift to yourself, make sure to come get them now, or for our out of towners, have us send them to you.

Here are a few really good memes for the week:

Our sale continues and everything is way marked down as we continue to get fall. If you need transitional pieces, this would be the best time to get them, because truth be told, we are hopeful that we will never have to have a “we closed for four months Covid sale” ever again.
We’ll be on Facebook Live this afternoon at 3pm EDT, so we hope to see you online.
Better yet, come see us in person. We are here Monday-Friday 11-5 (but really 6-sh, just let us know,) and we are open Saturday by appointment. And speaking of appointments, some of you came and I was here but more often than not I won’t be so let me know. I am sure we will be open regularly on Saturdays some day. See you soon!
Ricki and Katy