We might be boarded up, but we are still going strong!

We are here on election day and the world may be watching election coverage with baited breath, but we have spent the entire day trying to fix our printer. Retail can be so glamorous. Some of you might need something to calm your nerves over the election, we need to start drinking because we are our own IT department. These are the real issues of the day, people!
What’s going in the store otherwise, you may wonder. Well, we are working through all of your Ray Harris orders and you all have really good taste. We love what you chose! If you haven’t had a chance to order and you would like to, let us know. If you missed the trunk show and would like us to send you a copy of the Zoom video, we are happy to, just let us know. We are more than happy to help you choose the shapes and colors that will suit you best. It’s one of our favorite things to do.
Ray says thanks, too:

Could he have been any cuter?
We are receiving most of our Christian Lacroix order tomorrow. Let the gift giving season begin! There are puzzles, notecards and lots of journals because journaling is what we do now. We get our feelings out on paper and it calms our nerves when Aperol doesn’t do the trick. Oh, wait, that might be Katy, not you. She is journaling with an IV of Aperol.
And speaking of gift giving season: we hope that you will shop with all the small stores in our area as much as you can because we all need your support. We know it is not always convenient but Amazon does not need saving. All the stores that are in your neighborhood do. Again we thank you so much for supporting us and we are hopeful that better times are ahead! Don’t forget we have gift cards in any denomination.
We just scheduled a zoom trunk show with Dress to Kill for Tuesday, November 17th at 4:00 EST. Jane will be showing lots of pieces you can get immediately as well as her spring line. We always love seeing her new pieces so we can’t wait!

We just received some Lizzy Fortunato jewelry. Beautiful colors that would look beautiful on Zoom meetings, Thanksgivings, etc.
Here’s just a tiny peek because we haven’t had a chance to unpack it all yet!

Need some laughs?
Here are our favorites from this week:

Hope these made you smile! When the going gets tough, we have to keep on smiling. Just tell that to us while we’re setting up this printer and see what happens. 

We plan to be here all week, 11-5 on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday or Saturday by appointment barring any shenanigans that prevent us from being here. It there are such events, you will probably know about them, but if you’re in doubt, just email us at u7wardrobe@gmail.com and we can let you know if we are here. The building is open on the side door at 12th and E., only. If you have any trouble getting in, just give us a ring.
Stay safe out there and don’t get caught up in the toilet paper hoarding again. If you are desperate for a roll, we’ll give you one.
Ricki and Katy