OMG. What a weekend. I am sure that no one was immune to the storm and some of you probably do not have your power back but I hope you do. If you DON’T, feel free to come to the store where it is nice and cool. Bring your lunch. I have a hair dryer if you want to dry your hair and there is lots of cold water, or there will be when I get down there! The sale is ON with lots of Crea and Lilith to be had and also there are lots of new things in for fall ALREADY which seems a little weird, but that is the fashion world for you. Also I am getting today or tomorrow some fabulous new jewelry from a new designer in Israel. I also have new ping pong type necklaces in from Jet in raspberry, black, gray and white. Speaking of jewelry, I am very very sad to report that Barbara de Jounge died last week. She was a most beautiful person inside and out and I will miss talking to her so much. She was just awesome.

I know, I know, the storm is NOT the big news of the weekend. TOMKAT is over. Why anyone was shocked is beyond me. Oh yeah, TOM was shocked. I say good. Just in case you still like him, try to remember how horribly he treated Nicole Kidman. And try and remember what a good actress Katie Holmes was (Pieces of April) before Tom got hold of her!! Dance on your new couches Katie. That’s what I say!

Two new fabulous free apps! Project 365 is your year in pictures. You take one each day and then at the end of the week, month, year it tells a story of your year. For example on Saturday I took a picture of my yard so in a few months I will remember that we had the storm. You can start on any day. Also, for those of you who went on the Dukan diet and have now gained back a few pounds, I admit it I did, go on My Fitness Pal and put in your weight and what you want to weigh and they tell you how many calories you can eat. You put everything in and it really keeps you on your toes. I have lost the three pounds I put on!

To beat the heat we saw two movies this weekend. Intouchables was great and we liked Your Sister’s Sister. Ok, I liked it and Lee did not but it is a chick flick and he has the attention span of a gnat sometimes! (Don’t forward this to him!)

I will be closed to celebrate our nation’s birthday but I WILL be open on SATURDAY from 12-5 in case anyone is still in town. Even if you do not need anything come visit me so I am not all alone!

I have something else I was supposed to put in the email today but of course it is on a list at the store and I am writing this from home. And because of that and because I cannot help myself I am putting the little grandchildren on here and hopefully our sweet D, as we call Dylan will be seen this time. Shoutout to her grandmother Robin!!

See you soon!