The movie The Politics of Fashion: DC Unboxed is tomorrow and I am a little excited and a little nervous too. Seriously a big screen? With no makeup touchup? Yikes. It starts at 6 for all the press and Red Carpet. The movie starts at 7:30 and the VIP party starts at 9. For those of you who could not get a ticket or couldn’t come they may have another showing so I will keep you posted and it will go to DVD. Something that all of you will want in your collection. 🙂
We were in Chicago for Harrison’s second birthday this past weekend. His little brother Julian turned five months too. He looks just like Harrison looked at that age and his little laugh sounds the same. Harrison may be figuring out that babies get a little too much attention for him because when Julian was doing “tummy time” he started doing it too! Let the rivalry begin! Just so that I only bore you all in one shot here are some recents of our Dylan and Austin too!
Louis Katz, the owner of the Philadelphia Inquirer was unfortunately killed in a plane crash over the weekend. He was a very generous person and was quoted as saying something that I am not going to forget any time soon: “It’s never a perfect day unless you help someone who can never hope to pay you back.” Good words to live by since I feel I have so much to be grateful for.
Following up on the Planet jagged stripe sweater in black and navy, both of them got sold so if you want one in advance of fall coming in let me know and I will get you one. Just to refresh your memory this is what it looks like in the white and black. It also comes in navy and white and gray and white and we do have them in stock right now. It is a great summer sweater and it is all I can do not to wear mine everyday especially because the air conditioning is full blast everywhere you go now.
The store is closing tomorrow at 5 so that we can get to the Red Carpet. I am around for Saturday as we are not really open as it is the first Saturday of the month although it feels like the second one. I have nothing else I have to do so don’t hesitate to call if you want to come down. We will be open next Saturday June 14th from 12-5 just so we stay on our correct schedule!
Thanks in advance to everyone for being so supportive of the movie and the store for that matter! I really do appreciate it.
See you at the movie or soon at the store!