Jason, Sun Kim and Comfy are here!

Jason, the new line from the people that own Comfy is here! And so are Comfy and Sun Kim! We got a great short rain jacket and the new menswear ankle pant with a great tunic to go with them. There are some black ankle pants and also two tops made out of terry cloth that are adorable. You will love the new Jason especially if you like Porto as it is the same fabric, with great styles at half the price. There are pants, tops and a beautiful long black dress that is perfect for work. Not too dressy, not too casual.

Anarkh came in today and so did Dress to Kill. Both lines have some great pieces that will go with others in your wardrobe from years past. Sophie Finzi is here with some cotton stripe pants with shirts with white collars that are great with them or with the pants from Sun Kim.

Sophie Finzi top and pant Jason dress


The white ball necklaces from Jet are here again. Great necklace I have to say.


Don’t forget that the PLANET TRUNK SHOW is Wednesday August 6th from 12-7 and Thursday, August 7th from 11-5. Leslie will be here to help everyone and there will be lots to see and take home. The line is especially beautiful this season and I think you will really love it. Put this on your calendar right now before you forget. Go ahead. I will wait.

Ok, now that you did that, Annemieke will be here on September 10th and 11th with all her new designs and they are spectacular. I think she dreams these new styles up in the two hours a night she sleeps! She is as bad as me when it comes to sleeping, or not which is the case.


As I am writing this all the Spirithouse EverydayWear came in and in that box is all of their techno fabric pieces, again like the Porto fabric but newer styles and a lot less money! I am going to get it opened right now. I love this time of year. Christmas in July. It is especially fun because I don’t remember a single thing I bought other than the Rundholz jackets that look like fur so it is as new for me as it is for you!

The sale is still going on and there are still some wonderful things to get as well as all the jewelry at 30-50% off. Don’t forget that on August 1st the jewelry goes back to full price. Now is the time to holiday shop.

See you soon!
