Upstairs on 7th: Fall is Busting Out All Over!

Hi Everyone!

There is just something about fall that is so special. The air has a hint of chilly weather coming but you don’t need a coat. You can wear your new fall clothes almost immediately without coats, hats, or gloves. It’s like summer but with better clothes.

Every one of our collections has some special pieces that make the lines really beautiful this season and for those of you that have been here you know what we are talking about. Don’t forget we can always FaceTime with you.

This past week we got our Kedem Sasson collection in and as usual it is quite beautiful. We especially like his seersucker pieces. His long cotton jersey tunic over the pant looks so great because the border is so interesting. Kedem also did some comfy terry cloth tops that are shorter in the front and longer in the back. You still have time to order spring summer Kedem from the video we did last week but we will be turning the order in next week so hurry if you want something. Send your orders to The beautiful sculpture in the back of the Kedem pictures is from Barbara Liotta. Love it!

And now a word about UPS. There are so many packages coming in and they are short workers so we are seeing some delays along the way. They have also upgraded their scanners and we found out the hard way that they don’t always work! Unless you think losing the entire Kedem spring line for three days in their system isn’t stressful! Can you imagine how bad it was to have to tell Kedem his sample line was missing? Trust us, you cannot imagine. BUT they finally found it and it was delivered yesterday so all is well thankfully. And the silver lining is that I now have the phone numbers of the UPS managers here and in New York!!! You just never know when you will need a friend! All this to tell you that you may not get your packages the exact time you are expecting them but we do check and will let you know if there is a delay.
Here is an update on our jigsaw puzzle titled Tchotchke.  It is very fun to do and challenging at the end as you have to put in all the blue.  Get your puzzles now for holiday giving while we have so many!
Below is a fabulous washable vegan leather jacket from Planet. We love the color and we also have a duster in it.  Come see the entire Planet collection in our store right now!
We have been watching all the news about the Queen and no one does pageantry better than the British.  Ray is sending us all the papers so you can see them when you are here.  Below are some pictures of the pin I am hoping she left me in her will.
And a closeup on indigo blue.
Below is a picture of the rainbow that appeared over Buckingham Palace right after the queen passed away. RIP.
Mark Thursday, October 13th for a book signing for the new book Recovery Hardware written by one of our many accomplished customers: Gina Schaefer. If you or someone you know wants to read about starting a business and saving a community this is the book to get. It is sold everywhere so you can read it before and bring it to be signed or we will also have some on hand for signing. Dinner will start at 5:30 and you must RSVP.
And now for this week’s memes!
We are here 11-5 Monday-Friday and 1-5 on Saturday, although we are always happy to stay late just in case you are finally back downtown and not working in your pjs. Or FaceTime us.

You can see us on our Upstairs on 7th Facebook page for our Tuesday and Friday videos of everything in the store or catch us on Instagram to see our What Would Ricki wear posts. Our handle is @upstairson7th.

Have a great rest of the week and we will see you soon!

Ricki and Katy