Upstairs on 7th: Sweater Weather!

Hi Everyone!

The sparkly lights have been put up at City Center so it must be Xmas. Of course they still have the summer decorations up too so let’s split the difference and call it fall.

And fall is when we start to wear great sweaters and we have lots of them! In all kinds of styles and fabric. In fall you can wear them without a jacket or coat so lots of people see them. Here are just a few of our absolute favorites. There are too many to send pictures of which we are very happy about because it seems this season there were more to choose from. So come in and try them on before the snow falls.

It’s OFFICIAL: Ray Harris will be in the store on Wednesday, November 9th through Saturday, November 12th.  Join us for champagne, cheese and chocolates every day as we look at all of Ray’s beautiful spring 2023 items.  If you have a special occasion coming soon this would be your chance to get something custom made in any of his many colors and styles.  As usual we can hardly wait!
All kinds of beautiful gifts have begun to come in and we love the glass mini vases which look so good in clusters they don’t even need flowers. We have them in gold also.
And now for this week’s memes! Sent to us by Gabriele as usual!!

We are here 11-5 Monday through Friday and 1-5 on Saturday, although we are always happy to stay late just in case you are finally back downtown and not working in your pjs. Or FaceTime us.

You can see us on our Upstairs on 7th Facebook page for our Tuesday and Friday videos of everything in the store or catch us on Instagram to see our What Would Ricki wear posts. Our handle is @upstairson7th.

Have a great rest of the week and we will see you soon!

Ricki and Katy